Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Not Enough Drinking Water Essay
Pop culture has recently become obsessed with trying to provide clean drinking water to those who do not have it. This is a pathetic issue to choose to fix. These poor people are a waste of space and need to learn how to fix their own problems instead of turning to the reach to fix them. Do you think the rich got rich by relying on other people? No. They found easy solutions to their difficult problems. People have wasted tons of money on giving these people clean water supplies when there are cheap solutions to get the job done. For one these people should just drink their own urine. It is full of vitamins and nutrients that at the time the body doesn’t need but will at a later date. It also would make an endless cycle and the people would always have a supply of it. Drinking urine would be almost completely free, all that would be needed would be some kind of bottle to collect and contain it in until it was needed again. With this solution every person would have their very own source of water and people would never have to fight over it or share supplies again. It would also teach people to become much more self-sufficient because they are supplying their own source of life. Another easy solution is to make the people of these very poor areas used to not having any water by contaminating the little supply they have and forcing them to become assimilated to their new way of life. This is a perfect example of natural selection, the most fit will survive and be able to reproduce while the rest will die off. This will cause future generations of people to be well adapted to having little water and let them live much longer. This would be completely cost free; the only thing that would need to be done is some mud will need to be thrown into the large sources of drinking water. Some people feel that giving these pathetic people drinking water or drilling wells will fix the problems but they won’t this will only make the problem worse by showing these people that they can always rely on other people. Giving them other ways to get safe water is a complete waste of time and money. The world needs to see this fact and ban together to follow cheaper easier and faster ways of helping these poor pathetic people.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Literary criticism
Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural writing. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn from books and literature; we enjoy the triumphs and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow through our literary journey with books. In conclusion, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author's message. However we interpret literature, there is still an artistic quality to the works.Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is both universal and individual, and in many ways it affects us, for the better. When some people think of the word â€Å"Literature†they think of books like, Walden, Old man and the Sea, Tom Sawyer, Great Expectations, or Moby Dick. These are what some call â€Å"the classics. †While these few books are indeed literatur e do we subconsciously judge other books based on the styling’s of these few? People believe that the true meaning of â€Å"Literature,†is a literary work in which the readers mind is opened to new concepts and ideals.For a writing to be called â€Å"Literature†it doesn’t have to be considered a â€Å"Classic†nor does it need to follow the same construct as these so called â€Å"Classics†. The book, 11/23/63, is much more of a form of â€Å"Literature†than A Tale of Two Cities. Based solely on the fact that in the Stephen King novel, he places the thought of, â€Å"What if? †into your mind.. Whereas, â€Å"A Tale of Two Cities†, depicts the plight of the French peasantry in the years leading up to the revolution, as opposed to opening your mind. While A Tale of Two Cities, shows you what life was like in those times.Stephen King shows you an alternate universe in which there was but one change, and how that one chan ge affects how history takes its course. When the author helps your mind, explore worlds of endless possibility, or sheds light on a new way to perceive things. That is when the author has created a â€Å"True†work of literary merit. The thing about the term, â€Å"Literature†, is that it doesn’t have just one meaning. Literature is comprised of many things, but while Webster definition of â€Å"Literature†is, â€Å"the production of literary work especially as an occupation.†The â€Å"True†meaning is open to interpretation, meaning that one person’s definition of the word may be completely different than another person’s definition. This is both the great and horrid thing about the term. When scholars classify writing as literature, they often consider it a book or writing that has stood the test of time and despite its age it has surpassed many other great works through history by receiving merit from the scholars, based on their description of the word, influential.You may agree that it should be considered a piece of â€Å"Literature†, if it has done this, and you would be right, but what if it was a great piece of literary art that didn’t become a best seller? And thus was cast into the abyss to be forgotten until stumbled across one day by a mind ready to take in what the author wanted to say. Would you consider it â€Å"Literature? †Or would you just leave it in the abyss because it never became a best seller? Take Moby Dick for example, it is considered to be one of the Great American Novels and a treasure of world literature. However, it never received enough credit to title it a â€Å"Best seller.†One literary work, also helps define my idea of the word Literature, is The Hobbit by J. R. R Tolkien. The reason I consider this a piece of â€Å"Literature†is because of the amount of imagery Tolkien uses to bring his world to life in the imagination of the r eader. In this excerpt from that book, he describes every thought of the characters and his use of imagery helps create the scene in the mind of the reader. â€Å"The dark came into the room from the little window that opened in the side of The Hill; the firelight flickered-it was April-and still they played on, while the shadow of Gandalf’s beard wagged against the wall.The dark filled all the room, and the fire died down, and the shadows were lost, and still they played on. And suddenly first one and then another began to sing as they played, deep-throated singing of the dwarves in the deep places of their ancient homes; and this is like a fragment of their song, if it can be like their song without their music. †(The Hobbit, Page 15) Tolkien’s powerful use of imagery in that passage painted a clear picture of what happens while the dwarves sing. However, Splatterpunk also uses powerful imagery to paint pictures.The key difference between the imagery used Spl atterpunk and the imagery used in The Hobbit, is how the imagery is used. In the novel, The Cipher, which combined intensely poetic language and lavish grotesqueries, the author, uses imagery to place the pictures into the mind of the reader using powerful and descriptive words. As opposed to Tolkien, who draws upon the reader’s imagination with basic descriptions to help create a sketch in his mind. Now, many would not consider this a form of â€Å"Literature†due to the lack of personal connection between the story and the reader.However, I consider this book, and even this passage alone, to be a form of â€Å"Literature†solely because it opens my mind to a new world full of adventure and intrigue, while keeping the reader glued to the book during the time he reads. Imagery is a powerful tool for both the author and the reader, for if the author isn’t clear with his use of imagery it breaks the reader’s attention and allows him to be lost within the story, and not in a good way. Tolkien also uses diction to place an image into the readers mind, and he does this in such a way the reader begins to sing the song in his own head.Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away, ere break of day, To claim our long-forgotten gold. Goblets they carved there for themselves And harps of gold; where no man delves There lay they long, and many a song Was sung unheard by men or elves. The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches blazed with light (The Hobbit, Page 16) Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is both universal and individual, and in many ways it affects us, for the better.In ways we sometimes may never understand. Ultimately, we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the author says and how he/she says it. We may interpret the author's message in one way, while someone else finds the message a different way. In this way we see how the definition of â€Å"Literature,†is subjective to both the readers own interpretation, and the overall meaning of the work. Because even when it is ugly, literature is beautiful. Sources Cited Tolkien, John R. R. The Hobbit. N. p. : George Allen & Unwin, 1937. 15. Web.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Frostbite Chapter 7
Seven I ANGRILY PUSHED THROUGH THE double doors that led into the Moroi dorm. Snow swirled in behind me, and a few people lingering on the main floor glanced up upon my entrance. Not surprisingly, several of them did double takes. Swallowing, I forced myself not to react. It would be okay. No need to freak out. Novices got injured all the time. It was actually rarer not to get injured. Admittedly, this was a more noticeable injury than most, but I could live with it until it healed, right? And it wasn't like anyone would know how I'd received it. â€Å"Hey Rose, is it true your own mother punched you?†I froze. I'd know that taunting soprano voice anywhere. Turning slowly, I looked into the deep blue eyes of Mia Rinaldi. Curly blond hair framed a face that might have been cute if not for the malicious smirk on it. A year younger than us, Mia'd taken on Lissa (and me by default) in a war to see who could tear apart the other's life most quicklya war, I should add, that she started. It had involved her stealing Lissa's ex-boyfrienddespite the fact Lissa had decided in the end she didn't want himand the spreading of all sorts of rumors. Admittedly, Mia's hatred hadn't been entirely unjustified. Lissa's older brother, Andrewho had been killed in the same car accident that technically â€Å"killed†mehad used Mia pretty badly when she was a freshman. If she weren't such a bitch now, I would have felt sorry for her. It had been wrong of him, and while I could understand her anger, I don't know that it was fair of her to take that out on Lissa in the way she did. Lissa and I had technically won the war in the end, but Mia had inexplicably bounced back. She didn't run with the same elite that she once had, but she had rebuilt a small contingent of friends. Malicious or not, strong leaders always attract followers. I'd found that about 90 percent of the time, the most effective response was to ignore her. But we had just crossed over to the other 10 percent, because it's impossible to ignore someone announcing to the world that your mother just punched youeven if it was true. I stopped walking and turned around. Mia stood near a vending machine, knowing she'd drawn me out. I didn't bother asking how she'd found out about my mother giving me the black eye. Things rarely stayed secret around here. When she caught full sight of my face, her eyes widened in unabashed delight. â€Å"Wow. Talk about a face only a mother could love.†Ha. Cute. From anyone else, I would have applauded the joke. â€Å"Well, you're the expert on face injury,†I said. â€Å"How's your nose?†Mia's icy smile twitched a little, but she didn't back down. I'd broken her nose about a month agoat a school dance of all placesand while the nose had since healed, it now sat just the tiniest bit askew. Plastic surgery could probably fix it up, but from my understanding of her family's finances, that wasn't possible just now. â€Å"It's better,†she replied primly. â€Å"Fortunately, it was only broken by a psychopathic whore and not anyone actually related to me.†I gave her my best psychopathic smile. â€Å"Too bad. Family members hit you by accident. Psychopathic whores tend to come back for more.†Threatening physical violence against her was usually a pretty sound tactic, but we had too many people around right now for that to be a legitimate concern for her. And Mia knew it. Not that I was above attacking someone in this kind of settinghell, I'd done it lots of timesbut I was trying to work on my impulse control lately. â€Å"Doesn't look like much of an accident to me,†she said. â€Å"Don't you guys have rules about face punches? I mean, that looks really far out of bounds.†I opened my mouth to tell her off, but nothing came out. She had a point. My injury was far out of bounds; in that sort of combat, you aren't supposed to hit above the neck. This was way above that forbidden line. Mia saw my hesitation, and it was like Christmas morning had come a week early for her. Until that moment, I don't think there'd ever been a time in our antagonistic relationship in which she'd rendered me speechless. â€Å"Ladies,†came a stern, female voice. The Moroi attending the front desk leaned over it and fixed us with a sharp look. â€Å"This is a lobby, not a lounge. Either go upstairs or go outside.†For a moment, breaking Mia's nose again sounded like the best idea in the worldto hell with detention or suspension. After a deep breath, I decided retreat was my most dignified action now. I stalked off toward the stairs leading up to the girls' dorm. Over my shoulder, I heard Mia call, â€Å"Don't worry, Rose. It'll go away. Besides, it's not your face guys are interested in.†Thirty seconds later, I beat on Lissa's door so hard, it was a wonder my fist didn't go through the wood. She opened it slowly and peered around. â€Å"Is it just you out here? I thought there was an army at theoh my God.†Her eyebrows shot up when she noticed the left side of my face. â€Å"What happened?†â€Å"You haven't heard already? You're probably the only one in the school who hasn't,†I grumbled. â€Å"Just let me in.†Sprawling on her bed, I told her about the day's events. She was properly appalled. â€Å"I heard you'd been hurt, but I figured it was one of your normal things,†she said. I stared up at the spackled ceiling, feeling miserable. â€Å"The worst part is, Mia was right. It wasn't an accident.†â€Å"What, you're saying your mom did it on purpose?†When I didn't answer, Lissa's voice turned incredulous. â€Å"Come on, she wouldn't do that. No way.†â€Å"Why? Because she's perfect Janine Hathaway, master of controlling her temper? The thing is, she's also perfect Janine Hathaway, master of fighting and controlling her actions. One way or another, she slipped up.†â€Å"Yeah, well,†said Lissa, â€Å"I think her stumbling and missing her punch is more likely than her doing it on purpose. She'd have to really lose her temper.†â€Å"Well, she was talking to me. That's enough to make anyone lose their temper. And I accused her of sleeping with my dad because he was the soundest evolutionary choice.†â€Å"Rose,†groaned Lissa. â€Å"You kind of left out that part in your recap. Why'd you say that to her?†â€Å"Because it's probably true.†â€Å"But you had to know it'd upset her. Why do you keep provoking her? Why can't you just make peace with her?†I sat upright. â€Å"Make peace with her? She gave me a black eye. Probably on purpose! How do I make peace with someone like that?†Lissa just shook her head and walked over to the mirror to check her makeup. The feelings coming through our bond were ones of frustration and exasperation. Lingering in the back was a bit of anticipation, too. I had the patience to examine her carefully, now that I'd finished my venting. She had on a silky lavender shirt and a knee-length black skirt. Her long hair had the kind of smooth perfection only achieved by spending an hour of your life on it with a hair dryer and flat iron. â€Å"You look nice. What's up?†Her feelings shifted slightly, her irritation with me dimming a little. â€Å"I'm meeting Christian soon.†For a few minutes there, it had felt like the old days with Lissa and me. Just us, hanging out and talking. Her mention of Christian, as well as the realization that she'd have to leave me soon for him, stirred up dark feelings in my chest†¦feelings I had to reluctantly admit were jealousy. Naturally, I didn't let on to that. â€Å"Wow. What'd he do to deserve that? Rescue orphans from a burning building? If so, you might want to make sure he didn't set the building on fire in the first place.†Christian's element was fire. It was fitting since it was the most destructive one. Laughing, she turned from the mirror and noticed me gently touching my swollen face with my fingers. Her smile turned kind. â€Å"It doesn't look that bad.†â€Å"Whatever. I can tell when you're lying, you know. And Dr. Olendzki says it'll be even worse tomorrow.†I lay back down on the bed. â€Å"There probably isn't enough concealer in the world to cover this, is there? Tasha and I'll have to invest in some Phantom of the Opera-style masks.†She sighed and sat on the bed near me. â€Å"Too bad I can't just heal it.†I smiled. â€Å"That would be nice.†The compulsion and charisma brought on by spirit were great, but really, healing was her coolest ability. The range of things she could achieve was staggering. Lissa was also thinking about what spirit could do. â€Å"I wish there were some other way to control the spirit †¦ in a way that still let me use the magic†¦.†â€Å"Yeah,†I said. I understood her burning desire to do great things and help people. It radiated off of her. Hell, I would also have liked to have this eye cleared up in an instant rather than days. â€Å"I wish there were too.†She sighed again. â€Å"And there's more to me than just wishing I could heal and do other stuff with spirit. I also, well, just miss the magic. It's still there; it's just blocked off by the pills. It's burning inside of me. It wants me, and I want it. But there's a wall between us. You just can't imagine it.†â€Å"I can, actually.†It was true. Along with having a general sense for her feelings, I could sometimes also â€Å"slip into her.†It was hard to explain and ever harder to endure. When that happened, I could literally see through her eyes and feel what she experienced. During those times, I was her. Many times, I'd been in her head while she longed for the magic, and I'd felt the burning need she spoke of. She often woke up at night, yearning for the power she could no longer reach. â€Å"Oh yeah,†she said ruefully. â€Å"I forget about that sometimes.†A sense of bitterness filled her. It wasn't directed at me so much as it was the no-win nature of her situation. Anger sparked inside of her. She didn't like feeling helpless any more than I did. The anger and frustration intensified into something darker and uglier, something I didn't like. â€Å"Hey,†I said, touching her arm. â€Å"You okay?†She closed her eyes briefly, then opened them. â€Å"I just hate it.†The intensity of her feelings reminded me of our conversation, the one we'd had just before I went to the Badica house. â€Å"You still feel like the pills might be weakening?†â€Å"I don't know. A little.†â€Å"Is it getting worse?†She shook her head. â€Å"No. I still can't use the magic. I feel closer to it†¦ but it's still blocked off.†â€Å"But you still†¦ your moods †¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Yeah †¦ they're acting up. But don't worry,†she said, seeing my face. â€Å"I'm not seeing things or trying to hurt myself.†â€Å"Good.†I was glad to hear it but still worried. Even if she still couldn't touch the magic, I didn't like the idea of her mental state slipping again. Desperately, I hoped the situation would just stabilize on its own. â€Å"I'm here,†I told her softly, holding her gaze. â€Å"If anything happens that's weird†¦you tell me, okay?†Like that, the dark feelings disappeared within her. As they did, I felt a weird ripple in the bond. I can't explain what it was, but I shuddered from the force. Lissa didn't notice. Her mood perked up again, and she smiled at me. â€Å"Thanks,†she said. â€Å"I will.†I smiled, happy to see her back to normal. We lapsed into silence, and for the briefest of moments, I wanted to pour my heart out to her. I'd had so much on my mind lately: my mother, Dimitri, and the Badica house. I'd been keeping those feelings locked up, and they were tearing me apart. Now, feeling so comfortable with Lissa for the first time in a long time, I finally felt that I could let her into my feelings for a change. Before I could open my mouth, I felt her thoughts suddenly shift. They became eager and nervous. She had something she wanted to tell me, something she'd been thinking about intently. So much for pouring my heart out. If she wanted to talk, I wouldn't burden her with my problems, so I pushed them aside and waited for her to speak. â€Å"I found something in my research with Ms. Carmack. Something strange†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Oh?†I asked, instantly curious. Moroi usually developed their specialized element during adolescence. After that, they were put into magic classes specific to that element. But as the only spirit user on record at the moment, Lissa didn't really have a class she could join. Most people believed she just hadn't specialized, but she and Ms. Carmackthe magic teacher at St. Vladimir'shad been meeting independently to learn what they could about spirit. They researched both current and old records, checking for clues that might lead to other spirit users, now that they knew some of the telltale signs: an inability to specialize, mental instability, etc. â€Å"I didn't find any confirmed spirit users, but I did find†¦reports of, um, unexplained phenomena.†I blinked in surprise. â€Å"What kind of stuff?†I asked, pondering what would count as â€Å"unexplained phenomena†for vampires. When she and I had lived with humans, we would have been considered unexplained phenomena. â€Å"They're scattered reports†¦but, like, I read this one about a guy who could make others see things that weren't there. He could get them to believe they were seeing monsters or other people or whatever.†â€Å"That could be compulsion.†â€Å"Really powerful compulsion. I couldn't do that, and I'm strongeror used to bein it than anyone we know. And that power comes from using spirit†¦.†â€Å"So,†I finished, â€Å"you think this illusion guy must have been a spirit user too.†She nodded. â€Å"Why not contact him and find out?†â€Å"Because there's no information listed! It's secret. And there are others just as strange. Like someone who could physically drain others. People standing nearby would get weak and lose all their strength. They'd pass out. And there was someone else who could stop things in midair when they were thrown at him.†Excitement lit up her features. â€Å"He could have been an air user,†I pointed out. â€Å"Maybe,†she said. I could feel the curiosity and excitement swirling through her. She desperately wanted to believe there were others out there like her. I smiled. â€Å"Who knew? Moroi have Roswell- and Area 51-type stuff. It's a wonder I'm not being studied somewhere to see if they can figure out the bond.†Lissa's speculative mood turned teasing. â€Å"I wish I could see into your mind sometimes. I'd like to know how you feel about Mason.†â€Å"He's my friend,†I said stoutly, surprised at the abrupt change in subject. â€Å"That's it.†She tsked. â€Å"You used to flirtand do other stuffwith any guy you could get your hands on.†â€Å"Hey!†I said, offended. â€Å"I wasn't that bad.†â€Å"Okay†¦maybe not. But you don't seem interested in guys anymore.†I was interested in guyswell, one guy. â€Å"Mason's really nice,†she continued. â€Å"And crazy about you.†â€Å"He is,†I agreed. I thought about Mason, about that brief moment when I'd thought he was sexy outside Stan's class. Plus, Mason was really funny, and we got along beautifully. He wasn't a bad prospect as far as boyfriends went. â€Å"You guys are a lot alike. You're both doing things you shouldn't.†I laughed. That was also true. I recalled Mason's eagerness to take on every Strigoi in the world. I might not be ready for thatdespite my outburst in the carbut I shared some of his recklessness. It might be time to give him a shot, I thought. Bantering with him was fun, and it had been a long time since I'd kissed anyone. Dimitri made my heart ache †¦ but, well, it wasn't like anything else was going on there. Lissa watched me appraisingly, like she knew what I was thinkingwell, aside from the Dimitri stuff. â€Å"I heard Meredith say you were an idiot for not going out with him. She said it's because you think you're too good for him.†â€Å"What! That's not true.†â€Å"Hey, I didn't say it. Anyway, she said she's thinking of going after him.†â€Å"Mason and Meredith?†I scoffed. â€Å"That's a disaster in the making. They have nothing in common.†It was petty, but I'd gotten used to Mason always doting on me. Suddenly, the thought of someone else getting him irked me. â€Å"You're possessive,†Lissa said, again guessing my thoughts. No wonder she got so annoyed at me reading her mind. â€Å"Only a little.†She laughed. â€Å"Rose, even if it's not Mason, you really should start dating again. There are lots of guys who would kill to go out with youguys who are actually nice.†I hadn't always made the best choices when it came to men. Once again, the urge to spill all my worries to her seized me. I'd been hesitant to tell her about Dimitri for so long, even though the secret burned inside of me. Sitting with her here reminded me that she was my best friend. I could tell her anything, and she wouldn't judge me. But, just like earlier, I lost the chance to tell her what was on my mind. She glanced over at her alarm clock and suddenly sprang up from the bed. â€Å"I'm late! I've got to meet Christian!†Joy filled her, underscored with a bit of nervous anticipation. Love. What could you do? I swallowed back the jealousy that started to raise its ugly head. Once again, Christian had taken her away from me. I wasn't going to be able to unburden myself tonight. Lissa and I left the dorm, and she practically sprinted away, promising we'd talk tomorrow. I wandered back to my own dorm. When I got to my room, I passed by my mirror and groaned when I saw my face. Dark purple surrounded my eye. In talking to Lissa, I'd almost forgotten about the whole incident with my mother. Stopping to get a closer look, I stared at my face. Maybe it was egotistical, but I knew I looked good. I wore a C-cup and had a body much coveted in a school where most of the girls were supermodel slim. And as I'd noted earlier, my face was pretty too. On a typical day, I was a nine around hereten on a very good one. But today? Yeah. I was practically in negative numbers. I was going to look fabulous for the ski trip. â€Å"My mom beat me up,†I informed my reflection. It looked back sympathetically. With a sigh, I decided I might as well get ready for bed. There was nothing else I wanted to do tonight, and maybe extra sleep would speed the healing. I went down the hall to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair. When I got back to my room, I slipped on my favorite pajamas, and the feel of soft flannel cheered me up a little. I was packing my backpack for the next day when a burst of emotion abruptly shot through my bond with Lissa. It caught me unaware and gave me no chance to fight it. It was like being knocked over by a hurricane-force wind, and suddenly, I was no longer looking at my backpack. I was â€Å"inside†Lissa, experiencing her world firsthand. And that's when things got awkward. Because Lissa was with Christian. And things were getting †¦ hot.
Web Development Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Web Development Report - Essay Example Web design parameters like use of graphics, content organization, navigation, colour, links and others are critical to efficiency of a website. This report critically analyses and examines and presents significant recommendations worth undertaking to make its structure and design effective. According to Nielson (2003), graphics or photos are used to show real content and not just to decorate the homepage. He argues that people are naturally drawn to pictures and that gratuitous graphics can distract users from critical content. It involves the use of images that communicate the purpose or objective of the website. In the Sixtiespress website: The intention of colour in web design is to create ideas, convey message, invoke feelings of a visitor and accentuate areas of interest to readers. Verma (2007) argues that too much colour can be disturbing and chaotic, whereas too little can be boring. The Sixtiespress website: In conclusion, website design involves critical factors that were not appropriately considered when developing the website. The contrast used, images, the content layout, text sizes and colours and use of links were not effectively used. The critical analysis has revealed the flaws and how they negatively affect the website. These mistakes make the website not to deliver its intended purpose. The recommendation, if implemented through redesign of the website will enhance readability, accessibility, appealing and attract the user or visitors to the website. Verma, V., (2007, Oct 29). The Importance of Color Theory. Retrieved Nov 19, 2012, from Web Design Library: Cannon, T., (2012, Sep 12). An Introduction to Color Theory for Web Designers. Retrieved Nov 19, 2012, from Web Design Tuts:
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The household in the economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
The household in the economy - Essay Example We will also look at the evidence and the various theoretical and methodological issues related to household economy. In the pre-industrial era, the household was a unit of production as compared to a modern household which is a unit of consumption in (Kertzer, 1991). According to Kertzer, â€Å"In a household-as-labour-unit model, the composition of the household is a product of the labour demands of the economic operation, whether it be a farm or a protoindustrial home workshop.†In the pre-industrial times the agricultural land formed the main source of income. This was true even in the case of landless labourers. As such, the economy of the household and indeed its structure also revolved around the land. In countries, like France, where impartible inheritance was a custom, the households tended to be complex family systems. When France banned impartible inheritance in nineteenth century, it led to a progressive decline of the complex family households. Similarly, different inheritance systems in different parts of Europe led to formation of different household systems throughout Europe. In these types of land based agricultural households, the women did not have much say in decision making. Household labour was almost entirely borne by the women while men concentrated on farming. With the advent of the industrial era, things began to change even in predominantly agricultural areas. The farmers whose lands were located closer to the urban areas could no longer be considered â€Å"as â€Å"peasants†, but as market oriented entrepreneurs. Before 1770s, textiles were mainly produced within the household. But with industrialization, these labour intensive jobs moved out of the household and into the factories. On the other hand, the farmers who were producing milk were directly supplying it to the towns like Lancashire and Manchester. This led to the prosperity of farming households. Most of these successful farms were very small (upto 5 acres), and yet profitable
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Michael Collins movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Michael Collins - Movie Review Example The British government had ruled the country for over 700 years and the cruelty with which it subjected the rule in the country made them revolt into armed resistance. However, what aggravated the situation more was the killing of a group of Irish rebels who had staged a six-day siege at Dublin’s General Post Office. Among the rebels in the group, only one of them survived the attack, De Valera who was an American citizen of Irish blood. All the other rebels succumbed to shootings in the execution. When a number of De Valera’s supporters are arrested and imprisoned, one of them, Michael Collins walked out of jail with the belief that a new approach was needed to free Ireland from the British rule. He and several other volunteers organized armed resistance by using a combination of terrorists’ acts of violence and guerrilla warfare. The movie is based at the first and fourth stages of insurgency. The first stage of insurgency is characterized by initial use of ter rorism acts in fighting before their increase in numbers to get the capacity to stage a guerrilla fight. If the rebels succeed with their terrorism, they receive support from other angry men and women who form similar groups and join in the fight. The reaction of the dominant government is disruption of lives and hurting the innocent people. This stage is marked in the movie by the use of a combination of terrorism acts of violence and guerrilla war tactics. The various groups attacked the British military in the regions where it showed signs of weakness. The rebels also used informants, with Collins having a key inside informant who gave them crucial information on the plans of the British military. Despite the violent war that they faced from the British, the rebels remained focused and fought with undeterred determination to secure their freedom. Stage four of an insurgency is characterized by the departure of foreigners, while the local surrogates give-up power. The guerrilla fi ghters become superfluous while the leaders of the insurgency become leaders of the government. In the movie, this stage is demonstrated by the announcement of the British government’s willingness to negotiate with the fighters. This lead to the group led by Collins to consider negotiations and bring the war to end. When the negotiations began, radicals such as Collins loosened their view of the war and rebellion when they realized that the violence was causing numerous deaths to innocent people. Collins himself wanted negations to start while the likes of De Valera felt that negotiations were not the best way to go in the struggle to secure Ireland’s freedom. The agreement was that the final political control would be left in the arms of the British, which was an indication of a crucial journey, according to Collins, in achieving true freedom of the people. The rivalry between the two rebel leaders caused violence among the pro-and anti-treaty group factions. The movi e used a guerrilla type of insurgency, where the rebels used armed rebellion against the British authority instituted in Ireland. The rebels organized themselves into groups of volunteer guerrilla fighters, who staged armed war against the dominating British rule. They opted to attack the weakest points of the British military, thereby weakening its forces the country. With the help
Friday, July 26, 2019
Reflective journal on HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Reflective journal on HRM - Essay Example While the HRM have considerable powers over the employees the ethical code amongst these HRM is not constant through out. The article describes the role of HRM in controlling the problems faced by the employees. However if the HRM himself is biased or partial the decision taken by him would not comply with the ethical code of Human Resource practice. This partiality shown by the HRM for their employees can further deepen the problem faced by the company. To solve the issues faced by the employees Dispute Resolution procedures are applied. These Dispute Resolutions help the employees to put forward their issues and get them solved accordingly. However due to the impartialities amongst the HRM the Dispute Resolution system is going through a lot of problems. As emphasized in this article a Dispute Resolution system should always involve neutral judges. The judges here can be referred to as the Human Resource Managers working in the companies. The article emphasizes further on the neutr ality and partially practiced by the Human Resource Managers. The HRM should not have a relationship of any sort with the employees as this may affect the decisions taken by them in regard to the complaints given to them. The article emphasizes on the fact that favoritism should be removed from the Human Resource system as this affects the decisions and further makes the decision unequal to one party. The Human Resource Managers should have a neutral stance towards the weak and the powerful party so that even if the powerful party commits any mistake it is brought back to the terms and conditions applied by the company. Furthermore the article describes the role of the HRM with accordance to the new legislation which was introduced in Australia in 2005. This legislation is known as the Work Choices Act. This legislation has given more powers to the HRM i.e. they can dismiss workers without settling their disputes. This power provided to the HRM could be used in a negative way too as at times the HRM would prefer dismissing the workers rather than settling the issue between the workers. The legislation has provided an edge to the HRM and the employers over the workers. As these powers vested to both the HRM and employers would help them in dismissing the workers without settling their issues. This would affect the overall ethical code of the company. As I personally have experienced having a dispute between my co-workers I think that the Human Resource Manager plays an important role in resolving the disputes and the power vested to them can be used in the negative way. The co-workers who have an understanding with the Human Resource Managers are preferred by them over other workers. As my issue was solved by a HR manager who was neutral, I figured out that HR manager played an important role in resolving the company's problems. However if the HR manager is biased the decisions passed by them would not comply with the ethical code and terms. The HR manager should not be given the powers to dismiss workers as these powers given to them would help them to dismiss the workers directly rather than solving their issues. The HR manager should be selected by the employer with extreme caution as he is the main person in handling the internal issues of the company. The HR manager s
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Detective Graham in the Movie Crash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Detective Graham in the Movie Crash - Essay Example The film literally bursts with the theme of racial prejudice as a multi-coloured cast careens in and out of the screen to make their presence felt. Each character has an issue to deal with regarding his or her ethnic background. For example, the overly- ethnocentric black car robber who constantly complains about how blacks are being unfairly discriminated upon in L.A. reflects a self-fulfilling prophecy. He believes that the white server in the restaurant ignored them because they were blacks and because blacks are not known to give tips, proved her right by not leaving a tip at all, justifying that they had poor service. A while later, he spots a victim in a white woman who avoids their direction. He knows she did so because she thought they were black muggers and was fearful they would rob her. And true to his â€Å"calling†, the black man and his companion do rob her and her lawyer-husband of their car. Society might have ingrained in these black people how to behave, and they automatically do so even if they think and feel deep down inside it is offensively unfair. However, they play the role society expects them to. It is pathetic to realize that one can be held helpless against societal expectations. These circumstances divide people and turn them against each other. The same goes for the scene where the American gun dealer who gets impatient with foreigners speaking their language in front of him, making him feel left out. Sensing that these Mediterranean customers are Arabs, he snaps at them by saying, â€Å"Play your jihad on your own time†. When the customer reacts angrily, saying he is an American citizen who has the same rights as everyone else, the dealer goes on his offensive oration on how these foreigners have no right to destroy America. He is suggesting that the customers are would-be terrorists, relating it to the September 11 terrorist attacks. The man is sent out of the store leaving her daughter behind while the dealer conti nues his hostile verbalizations. In doing so, he is unaware that he himself is terrorizing a lady. Why are people always so angry that they blame such negativity on others by finding faults? Is it true that we are always â€Å"behind metal and glass†walls that we are inaccessible and hence, untouchable to others? We rely on stereotypes to help us deal with people who are different from us because that is what society expects. Indeed, one can’t help but judge one another based on physical appearances and the stereotypes they represent. Gray (2012) discusses why racial stereotyping is destructive to American society in general. First, it means communicates to the majority of Americans that the negative actions of a few minorities are generalized to the collective values of the whole minority community. This is usually felt by Black American lower to middle-class people who are often adjudged as muggers or criminals. Another effect of stereotyping is that the stereotyped group begins to internalize such negative labels and actually mimic or act out the prejudiced behaviour. This behaviour becomes generalized as typical. The black men in the movie whose self-fulfilling prophecies ingrained by society were adjudged to be so as people are pushed to fulfil those prophecies such as being muggers or criminals. They feel that they have no chance of vindicating themselves from such an unfair perception that they must as well live it.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
LLB CONTRACT LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
LLB CONTRACT LAW - Essay Example Nash v. Inman, According to Law of Contracts, in many ways the contractual capacity of a minor differs from that of an adult. An individual below 18, who is legally a minor, according to Family Law Reforms Act, 1969, cannot enter into contracts easily, because they are grouped under valid, void and voidable contracts and hence, they hold very little legal authenticity. Valid contracts cover necessities and this means, they have to pay for the necessities1 and legally liable to do so, if plaintiff could prove that goods supplied are suitable in minor's station in life and are his actual requirements2 and here, necessities3 and luxuries4 are different and the terms should not be onerous5 and if plaintiff has all these on his side, still he will get only a reasonable price and not a contractual one. Minors are bound by beneficial contracts service, which is usually for their own benefit, mainly termed as beneficial contracts and these include education, training, apprenticeship, and a Court can decide that minor should go through these contracts, even if some of them are not totally beneficial6 for him at the time conflict. Sometimes during the course of time circumstances might prove that a minor does not particularly need those benefits any more7.
PUBLIC RELATIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
PUBLIC RELATIONS - Essay Example It has five branches, namely IWM London, IWM Duxford, IWM North, HNS Belfest and Churchhill War Rooms (IWM 2012 p.1). The organization’s target is to elaborate factors and consequences of war and conflict in an attempt to influence positive change in the world. Four main principles guide the organization. Courage enables them to challenge the current knowledge in the world. It allows them to champion discussions concerning war and conflict. Authoritativeness allows them to question certain fields and establish standards of operations. Relevance ensures the content they portray targets the right persons. The fourth principle is empathy that enables the organization to document experiences and historical facts accurately while respecting opinions and views of participants (IWM 2012 p.1). The ultimate goal of IWP is to become the overall authority in conflicts. Imperial War Museum relies on several sources of funding that include government funding, donations, sponsorship and com mercial ventures. Admissions for audience are free in London and Manchester branch. However the other branches have limited capacity. Therefore, they charge tickets for visitors (IWM 2012 p.1) Analysis of the Museum strategy PESTLE analysis Political evaluation The political environment favors the activities and targets of Imperial War Museum. The museum originated in UK following the First World War that instigated this war. The UK government is on the frontline campaigning alongside IWM. It funds the Museum and supports its activities. There is minimal negative political influence in the Museum because the government supports the museum and participates actively in its plans. However, the museum’s schedule for the 2014 centenary coincides with general elections. In this period, grants are expected to reduce. IWM will feel the impact through 2014-2015(IWM 2012 p.1) Economic influence The Museum requires many funds to run and implement its plans. However, this is not a concer n because the government constantly funds the institution. IMP has projects due for completion in 2014 that require ?35 million. Funds for these projects come from a Heritage Lottery Grant, donations and its commercial operations. In addition, the government offers ? 5 Million for these projects and another ? 50 million for hundred years commemorations since First World War that is due next year, 2014. The government further allocates ? 5.3 million to be distributed among schools to enable students visit the museums and attend the commemorations. Lastly, the museum generates income to fund its activities from its commercial entities. Reports in 2011-2012 indicate that it generates at least 50 per cent of the total funds it needs for operating. According to IWM (2013) however, on the part of visitors, the increasingly difficult economic times will influence household financial decisions eventually undermining attendance to the museum events and commemorations. Social influence Social factors can strengthen an organization or weaken it (Northumbria University, 2008). IWM has sparked interest in the global society. Currently, it records 700 member organizations for the 2014 World War I centenary. According to the museums past records, it has had 1.9 million guests visit their five branches. Upon interviewing the guests, most said they would come attend certain events if
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Employee Reward Strategy for Heidelberg Insurance Services Assignment
Employee Reward Strategy for Heidelberg Insurance Services - Assignment Example In order to reduce the problems of lack of commitment, Poor quality performance and Lack of effective control, it is hereby recommended that the amount of times based salary in their monthly take home should be considerably reduced and a new system of commission based salary should be introduced. Commission should be directly proportionate to the volume of sales achieved by individual sales consultant. Also, the formula of higher the sales, the higher the percentage of commission should apply. Complete abandonment of fixed based salary is not recommended because it will reduce job security that may lead to high turnover. Also, if due to any reason i.e. illness, a sales consultant is not able to work for full number of days in a month; his/her commission income will sharply reduce. Thus, this fixed based salary will supplement that consultant's income in that particular month. Ultimately it will lead to enhanced commitment towards HIS. In an addition, to ensure effective checks and balances on the activities of sales consultants, amount of commission income should be made inversely proportionate to the number of complaints received against each of them. A Points System of Rewards i.e. ... Customer's feedback should also have strong impact on a sales consultant's pay package and quarterly/yearly bonus. To achieve this, customer satisfaction survey should be conducted after careful selection of sample. It will help in two ways. First of all it will make the customer feel that his/her feedback regarding the sales consultant's service to him is important to the company and thus it will develop a sense of attachment between him/her and the company. Secondly, it will help exercise effective control over the sales consultant. He/she will take great care at the time of making commitments - a problem that the company is facing and paying for by bad publicity by some unsatisfied customers. It is also highly recommended that the team of sales consultants should not be hired by one sales director only; they should be divided into 4 teams and each team headed by one team leader directly reporting to the sales director. It will be easy for team leaders and the sales director also to handle small groups of people that will help develop committed teams competing with each other in terms of sales and quality of output. Clerical Division Existing Payment System An organization's success depends not only on the performance of its sales team and / or of the senior management, the minor tasks performed by clerical staff are also important though relatively lesser than that of others. At Heidelberg, existing reward strategy does not reflects any thing that may motivate clerical staff to stay committed to the organization and to help achieve management's aim of reducing cost. Recommended Reward Strategy Since the job does not require a very high level of commitment, neither does
Monday, July 22, 2019
Nevada Policy Scenarios Essay Example for Free
Nevada Policy Scenarios Essay In light of population growth, Nevada continues to seek new resources for water consumption. Options include working with farmers and states such as California, Arizona, Idaho, and even the Country of Mexico. There are also various Lake Mead projects that could supply the needed water, as well as conservation projects within the state of Nevada. Dry winters have left several western states in a drought including Nevada. So Congress passed the Act of July 26, 1866. This act was the foundation of subsequent western water law because it recognized the common law practices that American settlers in the new territories had already put in place. The law is as follows: By priority of possession rights to use water of mining,agriculture,manufacturing, or other purposes, have vested and accrued, and the same are recognized and acknowledged by the local customs, laws and decisions of courts, the possessors and owners of such vested rights shall be maintained and protected in the same; and the right of way for the construction of ditches and canals for the purposes herein specified is acknowledged and confirmed; but whenever any person in the construction is injured or damages should be liable to the party. However the agency’s policies have created economic distortions and environmental damage. (Edwards, 2009) (Bowers, 2005) Works Cited Bowers, M. W. (2005). The Sagegrush State. (2009). Exploitation of Nevada Resources There are many resources in Nevada that people over use. For example, water, solar, and mining. Here are some reasons why and how we over use them. Water is a very important resource that is over used all over the world. We exploit this resource by washing our car to often or watering our garden daily. Why does our car always need to be sparkly clean or do we really need to water our garden every day. We may not realize how often we use water, but we all need to be a little more responsible when using the water, we need to think of our future and make the water last. Second, a very important resource is our solar and solar panels. So many of us leave our lights on when we are not even using the lights. If Americans would use solar energy correctly than Nevada would have the possibility to run low on it. Another way we all use solar energy is by leaving our plugs in at all times when it is unnecessary and we do not even need the plugs in the circuit. This waste energy and money. So be smart on how you use solar power. Finally, mining is Avery important part of our life. Without mining we would not have many metals that we use for technology. We need to be responsible with our mining because of the environmental impact on our land. A highly example that is happening today is the Telsa battery factory that is being built in Reno. They are going to mine the lithium from Nevada. Hopefully it will be mined responsibility and not with economic thoughts in mind only. (Michael W. Bowers, chapter 11) Alternative Sources of Energy in Nevada Alternative energy encompasses all things that do not use fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources are widely available and environmental friendly. They cause little or no pollution. Solar energy is one of the alternative energy sources that are used most widely across the world. There are two kinds of solar energy. Active solar energy and passive solar energy. Active solar energy uses electrical technology and mechanical technology. Passive solar energy uses duration and the sun’s rays. Wind energy uses the power of the wind to propel the blades of wind turbines or community with income windmills. The rotation of the wind turbine blades is converted to electricity by means of an electrical generator. Wind Power produces no pollution. Hydroelectric power comes from the potential energy of damned water driving a water turbine and generator. Gases, oil, and fossil fuels can be replaced by feces and urine. Feces contain methane, a colorless, odorless gas that could be used in the same way as natural gas. Now, let’s not forget the urine. Scientists are looking for a way to make the world’s first urine powered fuel cells. It would be a viable way for astronauts or military personnel to produce power on the go. Those are just a few ways people could use alternative energy. Using alternative energy is simple and easy. It does not coat extra money, it saves money and energy. This is just a few easy and cheap ways to save money and use alternative energy. (, 2013) Works Cited (2013). Retrieved from Allied Nevada. (2013). http://www.alliednevada,com/properties/hycroft-mine-exploration. Bowers, M. W. (2005). The Sagegrush State. (2009). NGE. (2014). Past and Present Gaming As the casino industry brings in the community with income and tourism, there are more and more countries legalizing and liberalizing this industry. However, the expansion of the casino industry depends on the ability to grant credit to guest. In Nevada, the casino credit accounts for more than fifty percent of the revenue generated by games in the states larger casinos. (Auguilera, Rubinstein, and Reid, 2000) Steve Wynn Resort did not start to conduct the Wynn Resort until the law allows casinos to grant credit to patrons in 2004. It is obvious that the ability to grant credit is important for the profitability to casinos. However, without proper regulation, it is harmless to society to granny credit for gaming (Eadington, 1987.) Nevada is not an exception. With a long history of operating the casino industry, it was until 983 that the Nevada legislature erased the century of court decisions holding that gaming debts are unenforceable. However, casinos still have to do background checks strictly before granting credit to patrons. Although the two jurisdictions have put much emphasis on controlling the credit extension activity. In the United States, Nevada, the gaming industry is more mature so that credit extension to patron is more strictly regulated by Nevada Gaming Control Board. Even though Nevada had a long history of developing the gaming, it was until 1983 that casino credit extension is allowed. Later in 1991, it was amended that â€Å"A credit instrument accepted on or after June 1, 1983 and the debt that the credit instrument represents are valid and may be enforced by legal process.†(Citation law 79) We have learned that casino industry is not the common industry that the operators can pursue for profit maximization. This industry creates job opportunities and revenue to the community and government yet not without any side effect. Besides the legal framework, in order to minimize the social cost from casino credit, in my opinion, the jurisdiction needs to develop sound and safe banking system before legalizing casino credit activities. On the other hand, in Nevada, the casino industry has reached its maturity. In conclusion gambling was re-legalized in 1931 as gaming expanded in the 1960’s, the casino industry remained geographically isolated in the state of Nevada. Nevada has potentially grown where visitors spend over 25 billion on gaming monthly, this does not include shopping food, etc. Without gaming the unemployment rate would be outrageous. All these casinos bring so many jobs, and so many people around the world will continue to come join the fun in Las Vegas at least once before they die. (, 2014) Works Cited (2013). Retrieved from Allied Nevada. (2013). http://www.alliednevada,com/properties/hycroft-mine-exploration. Bowers, M. W. (2005). The Sagegrush State. (2014). (2009). NGE. (2014).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Discharge Planning And Processing Nursing Care Nursing Essay
Discharge Planning And Processing Nursing Care Nursing Essay Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Nurses may be differentiated from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training, and scope of practice. Nurses practice in a wide diversity of practice areas with a different scope of practice and level of prescriber authority in each. Many nurses provide care within the ordering scope of physicians, and this traditional role has come to shape the historic public image of nurses as care providers. However, nurses are permitted by most jurisdictions to practice independently in a variety of settings depending on training level. In the postwar period, nurse education has undergone a process of diversification towards advanced and specialized credentials, and many of the traditional regulations and provider roles are changing. Nursing care is understood as being particularly crucial during patients recovery from serious illness or injury. Classically, it was thought that people requiring these services were probably people who were bed ridden. The objective of health services delivery is not only to care for bed ridden people but also anybody else that have a condition that is reducing their quality of life. It is known that some diseases significantly reduce the quality of life led by individuals and not by necessarily sending them to bed. The aim of healthcare today is to assist any person with any disease, ailment or any form of suffering to recover and have a joyous and creative life. Another factor that makes a nurse to be specifically suited to their job is because they are trained about community care. They deliver care in the context of the whole community. They are able to reach the society or community and teach or assist them on the best way to care for various people needing care in a society. Psoriasis is a non-contagious disease that affects a peoples skin. It is found in a class of diseases that are described as immune mediated. It occurs when a persons body starts sensing the skin cells that are foreign cells of disease causing microorganisms hence reacting against them. For this reason, the body responds to this faulty signal by producing more skin cells. The patients skin cells in the affected places divide up to 10 times faster and lead to accumulation of dead cells on the surface. The skin of the patient appears to have a red plaque that is covered with white rashes. This disease is particularly acutely irritating and is probably the most frustrating and unpredictable skin disorder. This disorder is also the most inexplicable and continual skin illnesses. Some parts of the body are more affected by this disease than others. These include the scalp, elbows, and knees. Some other parts are affected but on rare instances. They include the soles, the palms, and the fee t. Commons symptoms of psoriasis include reddening of the skin with white or silvery scales occurring at the top. These areas can be exceedingly sore and may crack and bleed occasionally. In most cases, the affected patches expand and coalesce forming large and continuous patches. In other instances, this disease may affect the nails where nails become rough, crumbled or even detached from their bed. Another symptom that health care providers look for in diagnosing psoriasis is crusts, scales or plaques on a persons scalp. There are various aspects of care that a nurse considers during care delivery. These are sometimes utilized by professional nurses as a checklist to ensure that the care is all inclusive, and the process of recovery is holistic. The main aim of this assignment is to address the nursing care of a patient with psoriasis based on two aspects of care which include patient education and discharge planning and process. Patients Education of Psoriasis Patient It is essential in the nursing care process of a patient with psoriasis to be educated and advised on how to live with the society, to avoid psychological torture and lastly to meet the prescribed medical instruction. The Patients are reported to face stigma and antagonism by such other people in the society. They become less indispensable resource to the society and hence said to experience negative attitude for the firsthand. They have seen how a single look on them initiates talks among people among other forms of stigmatization. Nurses teach patients to become ambassadors of truth. The society mistreats its members through stigmatization because of ignorance. The nurses also educate patients on how to protect friends, relatives and other members of the community (Smith et al, 2002). Moreover in Medical care, the nurse give educational care techniques including assistance on the application of the medicine, monitoring the progress of the patient and advising the patients on the fa ctors that aggravate psoriasis. Secondly, the nurses have noticed that the patients due to stress are currently suffering from psychological disorders such as post traumatic stress disorders and anxiety. They feel neglected and thus they need psychological education. Some of the nurses collaborate with psychologists to educate both the society and the psoriasis patients. In most case, nurses find themselves in a situation where the psychological health of the patient is crucial. Some patient feel like their image has been dented after they suffer from a psoriasis attack. The nurse has to respond to this by educating the patient on how to deal with these psychological problems. Sometimes, the patient is so psychologically affected that the nurse has to refer the patient for specialized counseling among other interventions. Bearing in mind the wide spread nature of psoriasis nurses come up with a way of assisting the society. The challenge that nurses face is lack of an elaborate system of reaching the society in order to educate them. The patients are advised on how to live healthy and boost their self-esteem. Nurses take this opportunity to educate parents and guardians how to handle the case and enhance the recovery of the patient. These educational programs are currently found to improve the health of the patient and to reduce stigmatization directed to the skin infections victims. Also in some cases, nurses organize members of the public into groups which have initiated some sports or even meditation. Other benefits of these sports are they help to deal with behaviors such as scratching. Furthermore other patients educational campaigns carried out by the nurse are to educate the patients and the society on the symptoms and origin of the disease thus clearing misconceptions in peoples mind. For example, some people believe that psoriasis is a sign of a curse, due to this they fail to take the medication and the advice seriously. It jeopardizes the process of treatment exceedingly and seriously. It may even increase stigma; people do not want to get close or in contact with a cursed person. Even when such people should be giving care, they stay away due to unreasonable fear. It becomes the responsibilities of nurses to shed more light on psoriasis. Friends, family, and people living with the affected individuals are educated to provide the necessary support for the patient. Lastly, the nurses are currently educating the patients who ignorantly fear to access the medical services due to been noticed that medical services will save them a lot from the disease. In some cases, it may disappear, in others it does not; thus, medical help is required. Additionally, it may leave an individual with extraordinarily large psychological problems that require specialized assistance. In most cases, nurses know specialists who can counsel and help the patient to fully recover. Nurses offer their advice regarding medical care and refer the patient for further counseling and peer support. In home care, the nurses are also educating the patients on how to handle stress. Medically, it is known that the careless and irresponsible behaviors that people develop during the stress cause psoriasis. Such behavior may include rubbing of hands and face. Stressed people have destructive tendencies of holding into anything and bringing things in contact with their faces. During care of a patient or other members of the community, the nurses shed more light on these issues so that people can lead a more informed life. They are also advised to protect themselves against excessive exposure to sunshine that can aggravate psoriasis especially during the summer periods. It is a method of illnesses prevention in a community, as observation of such basic rules can keep psoriasis at bay, at least for some people for some time (Walji et al, 1994). Thus in summary, the nurse has been carrying out the patients education across the medical services, stigmatizations and stress from other people, misconceptions and myths about the origin of the disease, treatment methods, society approach to psoriasis victims and lastly on how to handle psychological perception found to affect them adversely. Discharge Planning and Processing of Nursing Care Acute based care hospital discharge planning and process starts immediately upon admission in the hospitals. In most cases it is found to ensure that the nurses follow the right psoriasis disease medical guidelines and system (Fabian et al, 2011). It is defined as a multi-disciplinary nursing approach by the nurses and other medical practitioners to the patients signs, treatment process and discharging means. It involves several planning process, as described below. Immediately after admission of the patient, the first step in the nursing care designing planning and process is to examine the skin in general circumstances. The nurse should contact this within three hours. At the same time the patient is prepared for discharging through contacting the Medicare organizations such as insurance. At the same time the nurse should interview the patients about the problems linked to the disease, when did it start, what are some of the medications the patient accessed before and lastly, whether they have any hereditary problem of the disease across their family lineage. The next planning process is the nurse to describe the information given in line to the prevailing psoriasis diagnosis where the patient is taken for laboratory medical examination. At this process, the patients are instructed not to scratch themselves even if they are itching and home cares prepared for discharging process .This help to reduce more infections and complications. Moreover, in this stage, the patients are instructed to isolate themselves from other people in the society, utilize their own clothing and even take bath using bath oils. Moreover, the patient should avoid any skin injury that is going to complicate the medical process (Walji .Kingston, 1994) Third step in the discharge of nursing care planning method include keeping the skin moist. The nurses are trained to apply epidemiological prescription to ensure the patient skin is moist and thus not to itch. This involves reducing the scales by applying the necessary medical bath oils and staying in a cool place free from any dust and high temperature. The patients are also provided with some injections and clothing necessary to reduce itching, smell and pain. In the next stage, the patients are nursed in a manner as to keep the wounds clean and to apply the necessary antibiotics carefully and skillfully. This ensures that the patients do not have pain and itching is reduced. The nurses take this opportunity to educate the family members on how to prescribe the medical drugs to the psoriasis patients and thus improved services. At this moment, the nurses must monitor the risk of infections, outcomes of the disease and lastly the implication of the bath oil to the skin (Papadopoulo s Walker, 2003). Lastly, some of the patients found to be stressed, stigmatized and psychologically affected are provided with advices or even referred to psychologists for guidance and counseling. The nurses have a goal to improve the mind perceptions of the patients and to positively impact on their health. The nurses consider some numerous patients factors in the process of discharging the duties. They have to make necessary recommendations in line to the Medicare guideline so as to ensure that psoriasis patients enjoy the best Medicare services (Braverman, 1998). In the process, they must have insurance and Medicare eligibility so as to ensure that the psoriasis patient has in-patient services and hospitalized for at least three consecutive calendar years for observation purposes. Secondly, they must observe the cognitive status and especially their safety awareness while in the discharging process. This helps in reducing unnecessary infections to both the nurses and other patients. The clothing and bed sheets of the psoriasis infections must be handled with a lot of care (Camisa, 1994). Lastly, the nurses should observe the illness history and the future falls of the patient. Moreover, other factors that should be observed in the planning and discharge of psoriasis patients includes; age, living situation and lastly the daily nutrition and activities of the patients. Conclusion The nursing process of any psoriasis patient does not just require observation of the two aspects discussed above. Rather than that, it require all the nurses and medical practitioners to maintain people medical services to the patients, educate them and plan for the discharge process well. This will help to improve the health of this skin condition victim and reduce society misconception about the disease.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Role of Cytokines in Schizophrenia
Role of Cytokines in Schizophrenia Introduction: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder. Over 1% of the world population is affected by this mental disorder (Bakhshi Chance, 2015). A cytokine hypothesis has been proposed, which elucidates the role of cytokines in this disease. Cytokines such as IL-6, TNF-ÃŽÂ ±, sIL-2R, and IL-1RA were found to be over-expressed by the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (Potvin et al., 2008; Goldsmith et al., 2016), in which interleukin-6 is considered to be the key player in schizophrenia. IL-6 has glycoprotein gp130 as a common membrane receptor and as a signal transducer, which can have both anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory effects (Scheller et al., 2011). The anti-inflammatory effects of interleukins present in the blood serum of patients with schizophrenia must be understood. Upcoming therapeutic research focuses on astrocytes due to their expression of class II MHC antigens and the production of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. The hypothesized outcome is that IL-6 also induces anti- inflammatory effects which help the astrocytes to maintain the homeostasis. This will enable the researchers to explore further the pathophysiology of schizophrenia based on the cytokine hypothesis. The effects of IL-6 on astrocytes will open the door to a new area of research and will help in exploring the effects. The impact of the research on Healthcare: According to the data and statistics from the community studies of the European Union (EU), 27% of the adult population experienced at least one mental disorder in the past year (World Health, 1992). In Ireland, both private healthcare sector and public healthcare sector exists to assist the people of Republic of Ireland during an illness (Book, 2007). The Irish legislations Health Act 2004 governs the public health care system which is responsible for the people living in Ireland (Pearson et al., 2012). In the year 2010, à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬2,862 Euros was spent on the health of a single individual residing in Ireland of which 79% was provided by the Irish government (Pearson et al., 2012). Looking the statistics, it is summarized that nearly seven people out of 100 spend the money for treating schizophrenia that would be approximately à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬20,900 Euros. Biomarkers are biological markers such as viral proteins, cytokine, hormones, etc. which can be used as a measurable indicato r of the biological state or condition (OConnell et al., 2014). The main challenges in the biomarkers identification of schizophrenia are the unknown pathophysiology. However, biomarkers such as cytokines are considered due to the development of new hypotheses such as the cytokine hypothesis (Mansur et al., 2012). Understanding the roles of IL-6 in schizophrenia, can be used as a biomarker for the initial clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia patients, and to help create individualized treatment plans. The timescale for a product launch: If the research is proven successful, IL-6 based biomarker assays and treatments will be developed as a product from pharmaceutical companies. The developed products such as biomarker assays for IL-6 over or under expression detection and anti-IL-6 drugs will undergo the process of ethical approval and clinical trials which include four major stages. They are pre-clinical trials, clinical trials (Phase I, II and III), ethical approval and marketing (Phase IV) which would take a period of 20 to 30 years (DiMasi et al., 2003). There are anti-IL-6 drugs already in the market for the treatment of diseases which are related to Auto-immunity and other immune-based diseases which can cross the blood-brain barrier. These drugs may take a period of 8 -15 years to is the anticipated timescale for the proposed benefits to come into the market for the utilization of the schizophrenia patients. The importance of the product: The anti-inflammatory effects of IL-6 occur due to classical signaling pathway in which IL-6 binds to the membrane-bound cell surface receptor (IL-6R). Trans-signaling pathway provides the pro-inflammatory implications of the IL-6 (Scheller et al., 2011). Blocking the Trans-signaling pathway of the IL-6 is the target for the anti-IL-6 drugs. This might hold the capabilities for the treatment of Schizophrenia. The biomarker assays for IL-6 detection may help a person to identify whether the person is susceptive to schizophrenia shortly. This can help the doctor to give personalized treatment for the person based on the medical technologies available. The importance of the IL-6 product can be understood from the article Young people have the highest rate of psychiatric admissions which was published in Irish Times on 21 July 2016. The article discussed the young people (20 to 24) who are getting admitted to psychiatric hospitals for the 2015 (Edwards, 2016). The major diseases diagnosed for the admission are schizophrenia, depression, alcoholic disorders and mania which increases day by day (Edwards, 2016). Correlation with public, governmental and business sectors Public awareness campaigns and outreach to the doctors is the primary step in spreading the importance of the IL-6 as a biomarker for schizophrenia research. The second phase would be to use the primary media tools such as newspaper and radios so that the people does not expect from the research or get panic or distressed by the research. If the product is ethically permitted and the research becomes a success a contract between a pharmaceutical company or a medical diagnostic device company for establishing the result in the society. The completed biomarker assays for IL-6 detection product would be straightforward and easy to use similar to us such as a blood sugar and cholesterol test which can be utilized by the public without the doctors supervision. Biomarker assay kinds of products are advertised in the media such as television, newspaper, the internet, etc. for the maximum dissemination of the product. In the case of anti-IL-6 drugs, a patent is claimed by the pharma company which owns the contract, and a certain amount of percentage is given as royalty to the researcher. The patent is registered in a common government body, and the prize is sometimes fixed by the government of the country which accepts the drug. Conclusion: Schizophrenia is perhaps the most daunting psychiatric disorder, characterized by its life-altering symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions. There is currently no precise explanation of its pathophysiology. Schizophrenia is explained as the biochemical imbalance in the brain which may exist due to many factors. Upcoming therapeutic research focuses on astrocytes due to its expression of class II MHC antigens and the production of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. By combining the Cytokine hypothesis and Neurodevelopmental hypothesis, it is possible to understand the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and the role of astrocytes in maintaining the homeostasis and cytoarchitecture of the brain. The cytokine IL-6 has been regarded as a pro-inflammatory cytokine, but it also has many anti-inflammatory and regenerative activities. Understanding the roles of IL-6 in schizophrenia can be used for the initial clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia patients, and to help create individuali zed treatment plans. Products such as biomarker assays for IL-6 and anti-IL-6 drugs can be developed for the treatment of schizophrenia from the research. The anticipated timescale for these drugs or assays to come into the market can take a period of 8 -15 years. A decade is not a big issue for the young people who are getting admitted to psychiatric hospitals diagnosed a schizophrenic patient. This can help the doctor to give personalized treatment for the person based on the medical technologies available. References: Bakhshi, K. Chance, S.A. (2015) The neuropathology of schizophrenia: A selective review of past studies and emerging themes in brain structure and cytoarchitecture. Neuroscience, 303, 82-102. Book, I.S. (2007) Irish Statute Book. DiMasi, J.A., Hansen, R.W. Grabowski, H.G. (2003) The price of innovation: new estimates of drug development costs. Journal of health economics, 22, 151-185. Edwards, E. (2016) Young people have highest rate of psychiatric admissions. In Secondary Edwards, E. (ed) Secondary Young people have highest rate of psychiatric admissions, pp. Pages, (February 24, 2017). Goldsmith, D.R., Rapaport, M.H. Miller, B.J. (2016) A meta-analysis of blood cytokine network alterations in psychiatric patients: comparisons between schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. Mol Psychiatry, 21, 1696-1709. Mansur, R.B., Zugman, A., Asevedo, E.M., da Cunha, G.R., Bressan, R.A. Brietzke, E. (2012) Cytokines in schizophrenia: possible role of anti-inflammatory medications in clinical and preclinical stages. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 66, 247-260. OConnell, K.E., Thakore, J. Dev, K.K. (2014) Pro-inflammatory cytokine levels are raised in female schizophrenia patients treated with clozapine. Schizophr Res, 156, 1-8. Pearson, M., Lafortune, G. Vincent, F. (2012) Health spending in Europe falls for the first time in decades. In Secondary Pearson, M., Lafortune, G. Vincent, F. (eds) Secondary Health spending in Europe falls for the first time in decades, pp. Pages, (February 24, 2017). Potvin, S., Stip, E., Sepehry, A.A., Gendron, A., Bah, R. Kouassi, E. (2008) Inflammatory cytokine alterations in schizophrenia: a systematic quantitative review. Biol Psychiatry, 63, 801-808. Scheller, J., Chalaris, A., Schmidt-Arras, D. Rose-John, S. (2011) The pro- and anti-inflammatory properties of the cytokine interleukin-6. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1813, 878-888. World Health, O. (1992) The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders : clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines. World Health Organization, Geneva.
Notes of a Native Son Essay -- James Baldwin
Notes of a Native Son â€Å"Notes of a Native Son†is an essay that takes you deep into the history of James Baldwin. In the essay there is much to be said about than merely scratching the surface. Baldwin starts the essay by immediately throwing life and death into a strange coincidental twist. On the 29th of July, 1943 Baldwin’s youngest sibling was born and on the same day just hours earlier his father took his last breath of air from behind the white sheets of a hospital bed. It seems all too ironic and honestly overwhelming for Baldwin. From these events Baldwin creates a woven interplay of events that smother a conscience the and provide insight to a black struggle against life. â€Å"He had been ill a long time-in the mind†(65) was the way Baldwin remembered his father. It is because of his father’s illness, that his paranoia is aimed at the world. The contradiction here is that his father is a preacher. Trust and all other forms of hope in human kind have been vanquished from him. He despises the world he lives in, the one that held his ancestors in fields working for rich white gentry. He looks to God for answers and preaches an angry version of lord’s sermons. Baldwin was pulled in the same direction as his father except he couldn’t truly hold the meanings of the words after long and lost aspirations of preaching. â€Å"It was said in the church, quite truthfully, that I was ‘cooling off’†(80) in his interest to the service of preaching and gained it in a service of writing. The way Baldwin describes his relationship with his father shows an overall concern of the family. With eight brothers and sisters, the poor preacher had little money to support their mouths let alon... ...hey actually did talk. His father asked if he wanted to write rather than preach. Baldwin answered yes and that was the end of it. Even though he was such a cold figure to look up to in Baldwin’s life he realized that it was a figure to look to. He leaves the reader with a question or perhaps two answers to a question. He realizes that he had leaned on the hatred and used it to shape his life and outlook. Now that it is gone, he feels unbalanced and inquisitive to how he will handle life. He looks to find a way to rise against the struggle of black people. Opposing forces lay present throughout the entire essay and the most interesting part about it is that Baldwin can cloak these contradictions. Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.†1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84.
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Vietnam War - The 1968 Tet Offensive :: Vietnam War Essays
The Vietnam War - The 1968 Tet Offensive For several thousand years, Vietnamese Lunar New Year has been a traditional celebration that brings the Vietnamese a sense of happiness, hope and peace. However, in recent years, It also bring back a bitter memory full of tears. It reminds them the 1968 bloodshed, a bloodiest military campaign of the Vietnam War the North Communists launched against the South. The "general offensive and general uprising" of the north marked the sharp turn of the Vietnam War. Today there have been a great number of writings about this event. However, it seems that many key facts in the Communist campaign are still misinterpreted or neglected. In the mid-80, living in Saigon after being released from the Communist "re-education camp," I read a book published in the early 1980's in America about the story of the 1968 Tet Offensive. It said that the North Vietnamese Army supreme command had imitated one of the greatest heroes of Vietnam, King Quang Trung, who won the most spectacular victory over the Chinese aggressors in the 1789 counter-attack - in planning the 1968 operations. The book quoted King Quang Trung's tactic of surprise. He let the troops celebrate the 1789 Tet Festival one day ahead so that he could launch the attacks on the first three days of the lunar new year while the Chinese troops were still feasting and not ready to organize their defense. Those who claimed the similarity between the two campaigns certainly did not know the whole truth, but jumped into conclusion with wild imagination after learning that the North Vietnamese attacking units also celebrated Tet "one day ahead" before the attacks. In fact, the Tet Offensive broke out on the Tet's Eve - in the early morning of January 30, 1968 at many cities of Central Vietnam, such as Da Nang and Qui Nhon, as well as cities in the central coastal and highland areas, that lied within the Communist 5th Military Region.. The other cities to the south that included Saigon, were attacked 24 hours later at the small hours of January 31. Thus the offensive lost its element of total surprise that every tactician has to respect. But It surprised me that some in the American media were still unaware of such tragic story. The story started some 5 months previously. On August 8, 1967, the North Vietnam government approved a lunar calendar specifically compiled for the 7th time zone that covers all Vietnam, replacing the traditional lunar calendar that had been in use in Asia for hundreds of years. That old calendar was calculated for the 8th time zone that Beijing falls
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Notes Business Communication
What was particularly interesting, meaningful and/or insightful in the readings/assignments for the week? * In what way(s) were you able to relate the week's assignments to your workplace? * What did you learn that you would begin incorporating into your own work style and environment? * What was the muddiest point? This week I liked reading about the difference between persuasion and manipulation. I found it to be very helpful to understand why some people use one over the other. Some people do not understand that there is a difference; however, there is quite a big difference. Most people think that the two go hand in hand that one is just a lesser form of the two. This week I related our discussion questions to my place of work by upping my persuasion tactics. People, statistically, respond better to persuasion then manipulation. Also explaining along with persuasion goes along way. When a coworker needed to understand something about a particular procedure that is in my neck of the woods I wanted it done how I do it. Therefore, persuasion of why my way works better explained in a learning manner went well. What I learned this week that I will apply to my work style is that when talking to someone of a challenging nature I can use facts. The muddiest point that I had trouble with this week was that some people think that if you show respect you will get it back. I do not think this is the case. Just because you show respect does not mean you will get it back. This does not mean you should stop.
Celebrities and Sports Stars being bad role models to children Essay
Celebrities and Sports Stars being severity usage sticks to tykeren In todays conception you stackt counterbalance dispatch face at the hots without witnessing whizz of these celebrities or sports stars making a fraudulence of them selves. Whether its anywhere from potable and tearaway(a), doing drugs, speed sport machines , or doing all triad of those things in superstar instance indispensableness singer/ male sistergwriter Justin Bieber did last month. The fair thing that makes doing all that stuff worsened is having millions of adoring fans who depart mimic your actions, damp what you wear, even say what you say. Celebrities and sports stars restrain a trem deceaseous impact on pincerren in todays creative activity. If you ask a child who his or her mathematical function mould is at that place is a higher expectation they will say a renown or sports stars name everyplace on that point own p arnts name. So when a s fuddler hitchs his case mock up take in behind or drinking liquor in his head he will return wow if he is doing that it must be cool so I should generate it. How incessantly well-nigh of these troublemaking celebrities say its the p argonnts argon the bad influence and that they ar to blame for in that respect kids choosing the celebrities to be on that point business office models over in that respect put forwards.How ever in unmatchable particular boldness it is the celebritys cites being a bad role model to the celebrity who then is a bad role model to millions of fans. On January 22 a day out front Justin Biebers arrest for drag hasten conquer the stairs the influence he was allegedly seen partying in a Miami night club with his flummox the night of the arrest Also his pay off was reportedly in one of the SUVs in the railway gondolaavan of cars following Justin Biebers car to block off the rode so his son could race. When fans see something exchangeable this occurrence they be mu ch(prenominal) likely to drink and do drugs hop in a car and attempt to race which could say-soly lawsuit serious injuries or even terminal to numerous innocent lot. Parents are state that Celebrities are rotting at that place childrens minds by exploiting explicit drug use, . alcoholic drink abuse, and underage sexual behaviors These enhances have bring up a profound point be face lock being a teenager myself I see the world around me from a antithetical perspective I see people around me drinking doing drugs and to a greater extent than and have gone even foster to ask why they do it and the reception I got abide from all of them in one way or a nonher(prenominal) was because one of the artists they take heed to does it so he or she wanted to try it. entirely say that its celebrities faults isnt incessantly the pay off thing to saybecause most celebrities are actually great role models on children its secure a submit hand full of them who give a bad name to all of the others studies order that teens who idolize a celebrity who doesnt give in to such pres authentics and load and drugs will likely benefit from their obsession (www.everyday Although at that place are more good celebrities who can positively affect your childs life a distribute of these children seem to be more provoke in the bad ones this is mainly because of media. Media is the main reason why these children copy celebrities. In seconds media can have a tier sent all around the world and into the ears an heads of children who read or hear these stories. Media always seems to focus more on the bad things celebrities do like if a celebrity is donating a lot of his date to facilitate research a cure for a HIV and a nonher celebrity endures caught racing his car the celebrity racing his car will contumaciously be the one who is acknowledged for in that respect actions. So in a way it isnt always the celebrities faults because without a lot of these corrupt media sites to plait the stories and spread the stories into the heads of these kids they may have non even existed.But celebrities shouldnt be attempting potentially harmful behaviors like that in the first place because at that place not stupid they know that the moment they get caught doing something illegal it is going to me spread by out the world have more bad consequences than good. Instead they should be victimization this power of the media they poses to being good things that will give off positive influences to children. This in all probability wont happen though cause most celebrities actually become more famous and general for the bad things they do than the good so why would they gag law doing something that will make them more popular. On the other side you have the celebrities saying that it is the parents fault that in that location kids are doing what they are dong. Parents do have control over what thither kids can watch listen to and he ar but in the end they dont stop there kids from listening to music or sightedness something that will make them behave sternly out of pure laziness and forrader they know it there kid is drinking or doing drugs and there isnt much the parent can do at this point. One thing that every parent wants to hear is there children tell them that there mom or dad is there role model but if that isnt the case then the parent should get a line a good role model for there child.You can influence your child into likening a celebrity by having them listen to that celebrities music or noticethere movies even if that celebrity is performing inappropriately you can explain to your child that it is just a movie and he is actually a good psyche out side of that role and that if he or she were to do any of that in real life there would be consequences. Parents can also explain to there children that celebrities are given more valuation account from police and judges because of the reputation and money. In the past century parents have been full-grown more freedom to there children if you got caught smoking cannabis or drinking alcohol around forty or liter socio-economic classs ago you would get a beating of a life prison term from your parents but due to so many law changes and new laws things are not like they used to be. There is not much a parent can do now to prevent there children from doing something bad except for sitting them down and giving them a stern talk. In the defense of celebrities maybe if parents made there children want to have there parent as a role model then they wouldnt go off looking for celebrities to be there role models.This isnt always true its not like the medieval propagation anymore where a parent is a black smith so there child will be one. like a shot a lot of the time as children grow up they decide they want to go down a different path in there life and not the one there parent went down so they will tooshie a role model who fits there idea of the psyche they want to become. Parents have to realize that they cant just put the blame on a celebrity for there childs mistakes because they are to lazy to prevent there child from following these bad influences kind of they should focus on making sure there child becomes a fur-bearing and decent human being. Parents are defiantly winning the whole blame mettlesome from the point of the media but the real person to blame isnt the celebrities or the parents. The brand of this whole debate is all of these media sources exploiting these celebrities like they are animals.The people who work for media ceaselessly following these celebrities winning pictures and looking for everything they do wrong. No one is perfect so you cant expect a celebrity to behave 100% of the time they didnt ask for all of these role models. I would never want to cash in ones chips a life full of people constantly following me around taking pictures That has to be one of the most disag reeable jobs in the world sure they are going home to there mansions and driving around nice cars but a lot of these celebrities actually suffer from drop-off because of all this fame they have. Like Justin Bieber he was just a normal thirteen year old boy earlier scout discovered him andchanged his life for ever. Anyone that young with that much money and power would surely do the same exact thing he is doing now. Celebrities should be aware that they have so many role models but shouldnt bear any responsibility to them because its impossible to make everyone happy when you have that many people on your back twenty four seven. One ejection I think is Miley Cyrus she started he locomote out on the Disney channel with millions upon millions of minuscular girls watching her so now when those girls are all of a sudden comprehend her smoke marijuana on correspond and dressing in outfits that make her look half naked they are going to mimic her actions.Miley Cyrus was well aware that she was the role model to all these little girls and is development that to her advantage because she knows anything she does her millions of followers will do the same. In the song twenty three which she was featured in she displayed scenes of her smoking marijuana in a school pot and doing all other kinds of activities that someone wouldnt normally do. Miley Cyrus is doing nothing but move mixed messages into all of these girls heads causing them to do things they wouldnt normally do. This all started happening because she her ratings were down and she wasnt as popular as she used to be so her managers decided to give her a new look and re invent her and before they knew it she blew up and is now one of the most known celebrities in the entire world and she doesnt seem to be subnormality down anytime soon epically with her newest outbreak of seek to make out with Katy Perry live onstage but she denied the kiss and proceeded to tweet close to it which started a twitter fight which notwithstanding gave both of them more fame and followers on all of there social media accounts. It even made breaking headlines over the potential war that could be happening amongst Russia and Ukraine.So yeah no one is to real blame for all of this because no one wants this to happen except for a exact few.
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