Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Multiculturalism from a cognitive perspective essay part 2Essay Writing Service
Multiculturalism from a cognitive perspective essay part 2Essay Writing Service Multiculturalism from a cognitive perspective essay part 2 Multiculturalism from a cognitive perspective essay part 2Multiculturalism from a cognitive perspective essay part 1In fact, human growth and development affect inevitably the personal development of each individual. Therefore, clients of clinical mental health counselors are also vulnerable to the impact of their growth and cognitive development. Moreover, the development of mental health problems, as a rule, result from problems in cognitive development. For example, the retardation of the cognitive development of an individual may result in the development of long lasting mental health problems that may need the assistance of the clinical mental health counselor. In such a way, the understanding of mental health problems in clients can help clinical mental health counselors to develop effective approaches to the identification of roots of problems of their clients. Without understanding roots of mental health and psychological problems of clients, clinical mental health counsel ors cannot develop effective approaches to their treatment (Poyrazli, 2003). As a result, clinical mental health counselors should come prepared and understand human growth and development.How an understanding of human growth and development can assist the Clinical Mental Health Counselor? Please include a discussion related to the context of development as it relates to multiculturalism, developmental disability, and exceptional abilities.Discuss and indicated a basic understanding of the context of development as it relates to multiculturalism, developmental disability, and exceptional abilities and apply information to the field of clinical mental health counseling and support information with cited references.The context of development is vulnerable to the impact of multiple factors, such as the cultural environment, individual developmental abilities or disabilities, and other factors that influence the individual development (Lucke, 2014). In this regard, the cultural impa ct is the most significant and may affect the personal development consistently. In fact, the cultural environment contributes to the formation of basic cultural social norms and values which influence the personal behavior, views and beliefs.At this point, multiculturalism has a particularly significant impact on the personal development of individuals. Unlike the monocultural environment, the multicultural environment is richer in terms of the cultural development of individuals because they learn from different cultural groups different norms and values. They open the way to the development of the broader eyesight and tolerance since people growing up in the culturally diverse environment learn that people are different and they may have different cultural values and norms. Instead, they tend to develop universal values and norms, which are applicable to the multicultural environment that means that these values and norms are acceptable for all cultural groups and actually are cu lturally neutral.The developmental disability is an important issue that affects consistently the personal and cognitive development of individuals. In fact, the developmental disability slows down the cognitive development and prevents individuals from the successful development, respectively to their age. Instead, developmental disabilities raise barriers on the way to the standard development of individuals (Lucke, 2014). As a result, individuals have difficulties with the transition to the next stage in their cognitive development. Such individuals need the assistance from the part of clinical mental health counselors, who can identify their problem and help to tackle their mental health and developmental problem successfully.Exceptional abilities are also quite challenging for the cognitive development of individuals. In contrast to the developmental disability, exceptional abilities involve specific abilities which are at the above the average level in individuals with excepti onal abilities. In contrast to the average people, people with exceptional abilities are gifted and outpace the average development of other individuals. For example, a child gifted in math may have exceptional mathematical abilities. At first glance, such a child will be more successful in learning math and related-subjects and outpace his/her peers (Tummala-Narra, 2013). On the other hand, such exceptional abilities in the field of math may alienate the child from his/her peers, who may feel their inferiority because of their gaps in math skills. The child may feel bored at math classes. At the same time, the child may have problems with the successful socialization because he/she may focus on the further development of math skills rather than on the development of social relations with their peers or other people.In what ways are the basic principles of your chosen developmental framework applied in contemporary clinical mental health counseling practice?  Please include a dis cussion related to how development according to your chosen theory contributes to a client’s resilience, and how the clinical mental health counselor can contribute to the client’s development of resiliency.Discuss and indicated a basic understanding of how development according to chosen theory contributes to a client’s resilience and applied information to the field of clinical mental health counseling and support information with cited references.Piaget’s developmental theory holds the premise that individuals undergo through several stages in the course of their cognitive development. Each stage is characterized by the development of certain skills and abilities which prepare the individual to the transition to the next stage of the cognitive development (Watts, 2003). This theory contributes to the client’s resilience due to the better understanding of the current level of the cognitive development of the client. In such a way, the clinical mental health counselor should adapt to the current level of the cognitive development of the client and apply that information to develop effective approaches to counseling the particular client.Discuss and indicate a basic understanding of how the clinical mental health counselor can contribute to the client’s development of resiliency and applied information to the field of clinical mental health counseling and supported information with cited references.The clinical mental health counselor can contribute to the client’s resiliency since he/she can offer multiple solutions and approaches to solution of the client’s mental health or psychological problem (Poyrazli, 2003). In such a way, the client can use specific recommendations of the clinical mental health counselor to change his/her behavior and elaborate positive behavioral patterns.Discussed and indicated a basic understanding of what ways the basic principles of the chosen developmental framework ar e applied in contemporary clinical mental health counseling practice and applied knowledge to examples and supported with cited references.Piaget’s developmental theory implies that individuals undergo different stages in their cognitive development. As a rule, individuals reach certain stage in their cognitive development through the development of basic skills, emotional development, and language development (Tummala-Narra, 2013). The transition between stages occurs in the natural way. The failure of the individual to develop the desired behavioral patterns at any stage of the cognitive development can trigger the development of psychological or mental health problems in a long-run perspective.Thus, the cognitive development of individuals may have a considerable impact on the performance of the clinical mental health counselor because counselors should understand human growth and development and apply it to their work with each client.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Guide to Writing Recommendation Letters
A Guide to Writing Recommendation Letters A recommendation letter is a type of letter that provides a written reference and recommendation for inclusion. If you write a recommendation letter for someone else, you are essentially vouching for that person and saying that you believe in him or her in some way. Components of a Recommendation Letter Every recommendation letter should include three key components:A paragraph or sentence that explains how you know this person and the duration of your relationship with them.An evaluation of the person and their skills/accomplishments. If possible offer specific examples that illustrate the person’s strengths and qualifications. These examples should be brief but detailed.A summary that explains why you would recommend this person and to what degree you would recommend them.​ Who Needs a Recommendation Letter? Recommendation letters are generally used by students applying to undergraduate and graduate education programs and by people in the workforce who are applying for jobs. For example: Individuals who are applying to business school or an MBA program typically needs to two three recommendations that explain why they are a good candidate for business school. The recommendation might explain why they have leadership potential or how they have succeeded in past academic or business pursuits. Some scholarship programs require applicants to submit recommendations to support their scholarship application. This is most common in merit-based programs that award scholarships based on academic merit, volunteer experience, etc. A job seeker may also need a written professional reference or recommendation that explains or supports the reasons why the job seeker is a good candidate for a particular position or company. These letters tend to focus on professional qualifications. Before You Write a Recommendation Letter At some point in your life, you may need to write a recommendation letter for a former employee, co-worker, student, or someone else that you know well. Writing a recommendation letter for another person is a large responsibility and should be taken very seriously. Before you agree to the task, make sure you have a clear understanding of what the letter will be used for and who will be reading it. This will make it easier for you to write for your audience. You should also make sure that you know what kind of information is being expected from you. For example, someone might need a letter highlighting their leadership experience, but if you dont know anything about that persons leadership capability or potential, youre going to have a hard time coming up with something to say. Or if they need a letter about their work ethic and you submit something about their ability to work well in teams, the letter wont be very helpful. If you feel that you can not properly convey the necessary information, because youre busy or dont write well, offer to sign a letter that has been drafted by the person who is requesting the reference. This is a very common practice and often works well for both parties. However, before you sign something written by someone else, make sure that the letter honestly reflects your true opinion. You should also keep a copy of the final letter for your records. What to Include in a Recommendation Letter The content of the recommendation letter that you write will depend upon the needs of the person who is requesting the letter, but there are some common topics that are typically addressed in recommendation letters for job and education program applicants: Potential (such as leadership potential)Skills/Abilities/Strengths DependabilityConsistencePersistenceMotivationCharacterContributions (to class or community)Accomplishments​ Sample Recommendation Letters You should never copy content from another recommendation letter; the letter that you write should be fresh and original. However, looking at a few sample recommendation letters is a good way to get inspiration for the letter that you are writing. Sample letters can help you to better understand the components of a letter and the types of things that typical recommenders focus on when writing a recommendation for a job seeker, college applicant, or graduate school candidate.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Trap ease america Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Trap ease america - Essay Example More men might be willing to use the cheap traps that are dangerous when loading, but after a single bad experience any men will automatically switch to a product such as Trap Ease. A target market that was not mentioned by the firm is the Asian marketplace. In Asia rats are used as a source of food. They consider rat meat a delicacy. The Trap Ease offers a more effective way to trap rats. The added cost will of the product are easier to absorb when a customer is going to make money by capturing the rat. The marketing mix can be defined as a set of marketing tools the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market (Kotler). The first issue with the marketing mix of the company is that the target market is not wide enough. Making women the target market is eliminating half the potential clients in the marketplace. The location variable is another problem. The amount of distribution channels for the product is not wide enough. The price for the product is reasonable at $2.49 retail, but if the company could lower the retail price of the product to $1.99 the demand of the product would go up a lot. The firm is not using any promotional tools effectively to educate the masses about the existence of the product and its advantages. The company should utilize a better product strategy. It would be wise to highlight the features of the trap in an advertising campaign. An improve packaging can make the product more appealing in the shelves of stores. Offering a greater variety of colors for the traps can help increase interest in the product and as a consequence its demand will go
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Disclosing Illness in Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Disclosing Illness in Children - Essay Example No challenges and obstacles should be oppressing our children. These claims are often provided by loving and caring parents. Very often they hide the truth from their children. In the context of medicine, ethical concerns are one of the most important. Therefore, when parents want to keep their children from knowing truth about their diagnoses, they are following such tendencies as fear to reduce child’s desire to live; avoid depression in their child, avoid social oppression or rejection etc (Hendrick, 2004). On the other hand, they are only complicating the situations, because children may be informed by third parties and then the pressure on them will be even more intense. There is a need to inform a child about the illness within family and develop illness coping strategies for sure (Leathard, McLaren, 2007). `In case children know their diagnosis, it will be easier for them to have higher self-esteem and to cause lower depression levels among their parents. In the case sc enario, a child does not know about her diagnosis hepatitis B. Her liver is being gradually destroyed and her mother wants to keep her uninformed about her status. On the other hand, it is better to inform the girl, because in such a way the danger of illness is potentially hazardous for her sexual partners for sure (Butts, 2008). Social implications of hiding the true diagnosis from a child may result in ruined friendship or damaged social contacts, distancing of family members and many other unpleasant things. It is better to inform the child about her diagnosis by family members at once. Of course, it is relevant to take into account child’s age and to find the best convenient time and ways of a child’s informing. There is a need to widen horizon of the neighbors or relatives about the illness in order not to keep them in fear. For example, the way HBV is transmitted is often unknown for people. All physicians of a child and family, few friends and family members sh ould be informed about a child’s diagnosis for sure (Dowrick and Frith, 1999). Of course, there is a chance that these people would remain aside this problem or would not understand your family, but it is better not to hide the truth for sure, but fight for a tolerant attitude to a child. There is a need for support from family members or friends. At this stage it is desirable to provide these people with relevant information about the disease (Reamer, 2005). Proper and on-time informing is worth consideration at different stages of diagnosis disclosure. Not only children should be prepared for this process, but all family member and the closest friends in order to support them. When child is at high school, she will be able to decide whether inform or not inform her friends about her diagnosis (Waz, 2010). Discussion and integration of the ethical principles and theories Treatment providers, the members of the family with HBV should follow ethics code. The highest standards of care should be developed in terms of ethics code. There is no need to choose between right or wrong decisions. There is a need to balance ethical concerns of family members, teachers and medical staff in every particular case. Thus, it should be noted that professionals in medical sphere would always act in the interests of their client. For example, in this scenario they are worried about potential health hazards to her surrounding people and friends. Her mother is keeping secrets from
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Altruism Essay Example for Free
Altruism Essay The statement â€Å"People never intentionally act to benefit others except only to obtain some good for themselves†is often described as Altruism or an Altruistic act. This statement is not entirely true. It is possible for someone to intentionally act to benefit others, but this is something that does not happen very often. There are multiple theories as to why people do and do not perform altruistic acts. If someone is a member of your family you are more likely to help a person in need, if you feel sympathetic towards someone you are likely to help a person in need or if it is a social norm you are likely to help them. If in a certain situation helping someone is not a social norm then you are less likely to help this person. Even if someone wanted to perform an altruistic act it is very difficult to do so in our society because we reward people who we perceive to be good, or to have done good things. If you perform an Altruistic act towards a member of your family would be acting within Hamilton’s kin selection theory (1960s). The kin selection theory which states that you are much more likely to perform an altruistic act if the person you are helping is a member of your family. An example of this is recently in Melbourne there was a wall collapse. Three people died as a result of this incident; a woman in her thirties and an eighteen and nineteen-year-old siblings, the older brother and his sister. The older woman died upon impact, as did the brother, but only after he shielded his sister from the collapsing wall. His sister also died later in hospital. (ABC News, 1st April 2013) This is an example of the kin selection theory. Instead of doing what benefited himself, he tried to save his sister, despite it having dire consequences. This would be considered an act of altruism as it did not benefit him, and in this case even had negative consequences, especially as his sister later died in hospital. Another reason people perform altruistic acts is out of sympathy. Sympathy is a natural feeling of concern for a person. Even if you can’t relate to the person you feel bad for them, or concerned for them. An example of someone feeling sympathetic is Julio Diaz, who when a mugger came up to him one night with a knife he handed over his wallet without complaint. When the mugger went to walk away he stopped him and offered him his coat as well, saying he didn’t want the mugger to get cold. He then continued to offer to buy the mugger dinner. (Huffington Post, 17th November 2011). Diaz obviously felt sympathy towards the mugger, or he wouldn’t have given over his wallet, jacket and paid for his dinner. Diaz ended up getting his wallet back from the boy who handed it over after they had eaten. Diaz felt sympathy towards the boy due to the fact that the boy had almost nothing, where as Diaz had enough money to comfortably live. Sympathy makes people feel like they have a moral obligation to help someone in need – the person they feel sympathetic towards. Sometimes people help others because it is considered a social norm. An example of this is saying please and thank you. This is considered normal in most societies and it is often frowned upon if you don’t use these. A social norm is something people often take for granted and a lot of people are shocked when someone doesn’t follow what they consider to be normal. Another example of a social norm in our society is to wear clothes in public. If you were walking down the street and you say someone walking towards you naked you would not think this was normal. You would wonder why they were naked and often avoid walking to close to, making eye contact with, or speaking to this person. If you were in some traditional aboriginal culture you would wear nothing but animal skin, or even walk around naked. This is/was considered a social norm within that society. There are some internationally recognized social norms, like not engaging in cannibalism, and dressing modestly. While not all societies, past or present, follow these social norms most of the world does. There are also norms within society, religion and individual families. A social norm in our society is mate-ship, not letting down your friends, family, or community. There are plenty of social norms in religion, such as in Christianity it is not exactable to love someone of the same sex. This is an example of a social norm that is slowly changing over time, as do most social norms. It was a social norm in Britain in the 1800’s that you attended church, where as in 2002 only 18. 6% of people in the United Kingdom attended church regularly. (Tearfund report, 2007) This is an example of how social norms change over time, and what we consider to be social norms at the moment may not be considered normal in 40,50,60,70 or more years. These things cannot be considered an altruistic act because you would benefit poorly from not doing these things, so it is good for you to say please and thank you, bringing it back to the first example. There are also plenty of things people do not do to help others because it is considered outside of the social norms. If you saw a drunk person on the street you probably wouldn’t help them because society has shaped us to think that these people brought the state they are in on themselves, therefore it is not our problem to help them once they are in this situation. Social norms can be beneficial, but they can also detrimental. Another instance where helping someone is not considered an altruistic act is if the act is mutually beneficial. This can cover a range of things, from the benefit to you being a smile from someone, to a bravery award. If you see a child drowning and you swim out and save them and when you get back their mother says thank you and buys you an ice cream then you are benefiting, the ice cream being the benefit. If while trying to save this child you drown you do not benefit in anyway, and this even has a negative affect on you. This would be an act of altruism because there is no mutual benefit. A benefit for you may be something as small as a good feeling inside, or a smile, but these are benefits of saving the child, there for there is mutual benefit. You walk away with a good feeling and maybe an ice cream and the child walks away with his life. A real life example of this is Don Richie, who lived just across the road from one of Australia’s most notorious suicide locations. It is estimated that Richie saved more than 160 lives in his lifetime. He received the title of Australia’s local hero in 2011(ABC Radio, 14th May 2012). This is something he got out of stopping these people commit suicide. Despite the fact that he had no knowledge he was going to receive this award when he started saving people, because he received this award it is not an act of altruism. Some would argue that even if he hadn’t received this award these would still not be acts of altruism, as he felt good about saving these people, and it made him a happier person. This is his benefit, making it mutually beneficial and not an act of altruism. People do act to benefit others, without obtaining good for themselves, but this is a rare situation. Whether the person wanted to obtain some good for themselves or not they almost always do, as acts of kindness are rewarded in most societies. While people can intentionally act to benefit others without obtaining good for themselves this almost never happens, simply because of the way our society is shaped.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe - King of Nothing :: Defoe Robinson Crusoe Essays
Robinson Crusoe is said to be the first realistic novel ever, an it is written by Daniel Defoe. In this novel we meet Robinson Crusoe who is stranded on a uninhabited island. In the topical excerpt called "the print of a foot" Crusoe sees a footprint, and he starts wondering if the island really is uninhabited. Though Robinson Crusoe is stranded on a island in the middle of nowhere without any facilities, he is not a desperate man in any way. He sees himself as a king or an emperor, an feels kind of free, despite the limited geographical space. Crusoe also says "I had neither the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, or the pride of life. I had nothing to covet, for I had all that I was now capable of enjoying". The fact that the environment around Crusoe has been changed completely, has also changed his way of thinking. Women has been less importaint, which is naturale since there are no women around. But we can also see how the lack of material things, forces Crusoe to focus on other tings and get other values. He starts thinking and reflecting about life and his own surroundings. Crusoe becomes pleased with the fact that he has everything he needs on the island, and he uses only what is needed; nothing more. The religious aspect of Robinson Crusoe should be mentioned. Crusoe t hinks a lot about God and the Devil. He looks upon every positive ting, such as the rich nature, as gifts from God. Crusoe is very thankfull to this, and he is happy that he is able to consider what he enjoed, rather then what he wanted. But also the Devil was something he beleaved existed. This shows when Crusoe one day sees the footprint in the sand, and first thinks that it must be the Devil. After some time though, he concludes that this can not be right. It must have someother explanation... Of course Robinson Crusoe can be seen as "an ideal of individual enterprise empire-building". Crusoe fights the nature and manage to live well on a island all by himselfe. He also take care of the environment in a good way. But in all this, I also think there is a fundamental thought of power, which we can be critical to.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Keeping fit
Our health depends on our life. Most people are busy working, pupils are busy studying, but they always find time to relax and enjoy themselves. Physical culture and sports in our country are part of our cultural and public life. It is very popular with young people. Sport is also paid great attention in schools, colleges and universities. Every city and town has a few stadiums, swimming pools, amateur clubs and keep-fit centers where people go aerobics, yoga, body-building, swimming, skating and Jogging.Sports help people to maintain good health and enjoy life, but some boys and girls do not want to take an active part in them. They do not believe that sport is very necessary and also they think that sport may stand in the way of other important things. Everyone knows that getting fit is good for health buy why it is good and what are the ways to be fit? There are some unusual ways of keeping fit: -First way is that you can practice korfball. Korfball is a mixture between handball a nd basketball, it is a fast exciting game.The main difference is that men and women play on the same team. It is also a good way to keep fit – The second way is to practice Tat-Chi. It is a Chinese martial art which goes back thousands of years. Tat-Chi is very gentle and consists of slow movements which it is important to do carefully. The big advantage is that you can do it anywhere and it is an excellent way of getting rid of stress. – The third way is gaming for fitness. Most people do not see playing video games as a way of keeping fit.You sit on the floor, look at the screen and the only part f your body that moves is your thumb. Thanks to brand new game Dance Revolution, games are now getting on exercise floor and it is an easy and exciting way of getting fit for everyone. Getting in shape has never been more popular. For millions of people around the world, regular exercise is now part of their daily lives. Some people Jog, cycle and swim, while others prefer t o work out in gyms or play team sports.Another reason for fitness boom is youth and beauty, because men and women try their best to look as young and attractive as possible. Fit people not only feel good-they look good too. There are some advantages of being fit: -Firstly it reduces the risk of heart attacks -Secondly it increases strength, stamina, and suppleness -Thirdly it helps people to lose weight – Fourthly it means that people sleep better and do not get tired so better – Finally it makes people feel healthier, happier and more positive. As for me, I do sport regularly. I am not a professional.I play badminton with my friends,but my favorite sport is swimming and I go to the swimming-pool twice a week. This helps me feel fit and healthy. Keeping fit doesn't mean only doing sport. It also includes the right way of eating. Nowadays it is very popular to go on a diet. On the one hand, it makes people feel better because they avoid eating fatty and unhealthy food, but on the other hand, some people start eating very little and they lose weight and do not look healthy at all. It is necessary to get all types of vitamins to keep body healthy.It is recommended to eat fruit and vegetable because they contain a lot of important itamins and one of them is vitamin C. A lot of people like spending most of their spare time watching TV or working at computers. Such people ruin their eyes and their muscles do not work well. This way of life is not healthy. There are also bad habits that can damage health of people. They include smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. A lot of young people prefer smoking to going in for sport and this is not good. As for me, I try to lead a healthy life, because I like feeling happy
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Relevance of Loyalty in “Julius Caesar”
The Relevance of Loyalty in Julius Caesar In the Shakespearean play Julius Caesar, loyalty is relevant to each person. In the eyes of Marc Antony, Marcus Brutus, and Cassius, the term â€Å"loyalty†means something entirely different to each man. In a sense, each of the three characters is only loyal to what he thinks is good and right but in some cases, his morals also fluctuate with his desires. Marc Antony plays the specific role of a son-like figure to Caesar.He takes no part in the conspiracy which eventually leads to the demise of Caesar although when Caesar does die, Antony baits Marcus Brutus with flattery to ensure his relative favor with Caesar’s murderers. Nonetheless, Marc Antony is loyal to Caesar as well as the memory of Caesar. He uses his â€Å"favor†with Brutus and the conspirators to gain permission to speak at Caesar’s burial ceremony, subtly inciting rebellion in the citizens of Rome. As previously stated, Antony is loyal to Caesar in life as well as in death.Marcus Brutus’ loyalties, on the other hand, lie with Rome. As one of Caesar’s most trusted friends, Brutus respects and admires Caesar but when decisions concern the entire Roman Empire, Brutus weighs Rome more important than his friend. Because of this loyalty to Rome, Brutus is swayed by one of the conspirators and becomes a conspirator himself. He doesn’t side with Caesar’s enemies because of envy or jealousy but because he believes it is the right thing to do in Rome’s best interest.During the play, Brutus is in constant war with himself, wondering if what he did was the right thing. His loyalty to Rome and his friendship with Caesar battle with each other throughout the piece. Cassius, however, is consumed with a lust for power and Caesar is obviously in his way. It seems he plots to kill Caesar for his own personal gain. Cassius uses Brutus as a â€Å"puppet†, thinking Brutus will do whatever he requests. He i s abruptly proven wrong when Brutus confronts Cassius of his crooked demands.Cassius is enraged but is placated soon after. He is loyal only to himself, using the excuse of preserving democracy to rationalize his actions. Marc Antony was loyal to Caesar, Marcus Brutus was loyal to Rome, and Cassius was loyal to himself. Three men fought for three different causes, two noble and one ignoble. Though Brutus and Cassius both wanted Caesar’s death, they wanted it for two very different reasons. In Julius Caesar, loyalty is consistent with men’s beliefs. Each man made his choices based on the foundation of his loyalties.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Nuclear Bombs essays
Nuclear Bombs essays On April 12th 1945, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died. His successor, Harry S. Truman, took hold of the American presidency and immediately had immense pressure upon his shoulders. He was briefed on the recent completion of the worlds first atomic bomb, made in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The project, called the Manhattan project, was headed by President Roosevelt to quickly end World War II. This was the most powerful weapon ever constructed, and the new President had the stress of determining if the bomb would be used on human beings. The war in Germany ended only a month later, thus closing one front of the war. With the European theater closed, the US could focus more on fighting the war in the Pacific with Japan. Many factors were now involved in President Trumans decision. An invasion of Japan was already planned in November of that same year, with the expected casualties in the millions. The Soviet Unions leader, Joseph Stalin, had agreed to help end the war with Japan, but Soviet help would only help the nation to conquer more land. Truman needed to decide which factors would persuade him to act. Many of the creators of the bomb were horrified at what they saw in Alamogordo New Mexico on the day of detonation. The head creator of the bomb, Enrico Fermi stated, Good God in heaven, what have we done! This creation of ours can only bring nothing but utter destruction to civilization. The idea of its use on human beings appalls even the most heinous life forms on this Earth. May God have mercy on our souls.1 After the testing, the creators of the bomb had a meeting with the United Nations war council to deter the use of the weapon. They suggested demonstrating the power of the weapon to the Japanese instead of using it. This way the Japanese would be persuaded into surrender. Dr. Oppenheimer, the head of the council stated that the US should have the Japanese ...view a demonstration...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of Chief Massasoit, Native American Hero
Biography of Chief Massasoit, Native American Hero Chief Massasoit (1580–1661), as he was known to the Mayflower Pilgrims, was the leader of the Wampanoag tribe. Also known as The Grand Sachem as well as Ousemequin (sometimes spelled Woosamequen), Massasoit played a major role in the success of the Pilgrims. Conventional narratives of Massasoit paint the picture of a friendly Native American who came to the aid of the starving Pilgrims- even joining them in what is considered the first Thanksgiving feast- for the purpose of maintaining peaceful relationships and harmonious co-existence. Fast Facts: Known For: Leader of the Wampanoag tribe, who helped the Mayflower PilgrimsAlso Known As: The Grand Sachem, Ousemequin (sometimes spelled Woosamequen)Born: 1580 or 1581 in Montaup, Bristol, Rhode IslandDied: 1661Children: Metacomet, WamsuttaNotable Quote: What is this you call property? It cannot be the earth, for the land is our mother, nourishing all her children, beasts, birds, fish and all men. The woods, the streams, everything on it belongs to everybody and is for the use of all. How can one man say it belongs only to him? Early Life Not much is known about Massasoits life before his encounters with the European immigrants other than he was born in Montaup (now Bristol, Rhode Island) around 1580 or 1581. Montaup was a village of the Pokanoket people, who later became known as the Wampanoag. By the time of the Mayflower Pilgrims interactions with him, Massasoit had been a great leader whose authority extended throughout the southern New England region, including the territories of the Nipmuck, Quaboag, and Nashaway Algonquin tribes. Colonists Arrival When the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth in 1620, the Wampanoag had suffered devastating population losses due to a plague brought by Europeans in 1616; estimates are that upwards of 45,000, or two-thirds of the entire Wampanoag nation, had perished. Many other tribes had also suffered extensive losses throughout the 15th century due to European diseases. The arrival of the English with their encroachments on Indian territories combined with the depopulation and the Indian slave trade, which had been underway for a century, led to increasing instability in tribal relationships. The Wampanoag were under threat from the powerful Narragansett. By 1621, the Mayflower Pilgrims had lost half of their original population of 102 people as well; it was in this vulnerable state that Massasoit as the Wampanoag leader sought alliances with the equally-as-vulnerable pilgrims. The Pilgrims were impressed with Massasoit. According to MayflowerHIstory.com, Plymouth colonist Edward Winslow described the chief as follows: In his person he is a very lusty man, in his best years, an able body, grave of countenance, and spare of speech. In his attire little or nothing differing from the rest of his followers, only in a great chain of white bone beads about his neck, and at it behind his neck hangs a little bag of tobacco, which he drank and gave us to drink; his face was painted with a sad red like murry, and oiled both head and face, that he looked greasily. Peace, War, and Protection When Massasoit entered into a treaty of mutual peace and protection with the pilgrims in 1621, there was more at stake than a simple desire to make friends with the newcomers. Other tribes in the region were entering into agreements with the English colonies as well. For example, the Shawomet Purchase (todays Warwick, Rhode Island), in which sachems Pumhom and Sucononoco claimed they had been forced to sell under duress a large tract of land to a rogue Puritan group under the leadership of Samuel Gorton in 1643, led to tribes placing themselves under the protection of the Massachusetts colony in 1644. By 1632, the Wampanoags were engaged in a full-scale war with the Narragansett. Thats when Massasoit changed his name to Wassamagoin, which means Yellow Feather. Between 1649 and 1657, under pressure from the English, he sold several large tracts of land in Plymouth Colony. After abdicating his leadership to his eldest son Wamsutta (aka Alexander), Massasoit is said to have gone to live the rest of his days with the Quaboag who maintained the highest respect for the sachem. Later Years and Death Massasoit is often held up in American history as a hero because of his alliance and assumed love for the English, and some of the documentation hints at an overestimation of his esteem for them. For example, in one story when Massasoit contracted an illness in March 1623, Plymouth colonist Winslow is reported to have come to the side of the dying sachem, feeding him comfortable conserves and sassafras tea. Upon his recovery five days later, Winslow wrote that Massasoit said that the English are my friends and love me and that whilst I live I will never forget this kindness they have showed me. However, a critical examination of the relationships and realities casts some doubt over Winslows ability to heal Massasoit, considering the Indians superior knowledge of medicine and likelihood that the sachem was being attended to by the tribes most skilled medicine people. Still, Massasoit lived for many years after this illness, and he remained a friend and ally of the Mayflower Pilgrims until his death in 1661. Legacy Peace between the Wampanoag Nation and the Pilgrims lasted for four decades after the 1621 treaty, and centuries after his death, Massasoit has not been forgotten. For more than 300 years, Massasoit, and many artifacts related to his time as chief were buried in Burr’s Hill Park, which overlooks Narragansett Bay in the present-day town of Warren, Rhode Island. A confederation of Wampanoags, who still live in the area, worked for two decades to secure funding and dig up Massasoits remains and the remains and artifacts of many other Wampanoag tribe members who were buried in Burrs Hill. On May 13, 2017, the confederation re-interred the remains and items in the park in a concrete vault marked with a simple boulder during a solemn ceremony. They hope the burial site will eventually be added to the National Register of Historic Places. Ramona Peters, the repatriation coordinator of the Wampanoag Confederation who led the project, explained shortly before the re-interment: I would hope Americans would be interested too. Massasoit made it possible for the colonization of this continent. Sources Daley, Jason. â€Å"Massasoit, Chief Who Signed Treaty With the Pilgrims, To Be Reburied.† Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 21 Apr. 2017.Hayes, Ted. â€Å"Burrs Hill Re-Burial to Be Solemn, Private Affair.† RhodyBeat, 12 May 2017.â€Å"Massasoit.† MayflowerHistory.com.â€Å"Massasoit Quotes. AZ Quotes.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Zachman Framework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Zachman Framework - Essay Example Despite numerous achievements, many information systems leave sufficient room for improvement. Less than a decade ago, John A. Zachman (1996) wrote that information technologies and systems in most of Fortune 500 enterprises were in the state of deep frustration. Today’s information technologies are much better than those in the middle of the 1990s, but there are no limits to excellence. The Zachman framework exemplifies a successful attempt to revolutionize enterprise architecture principles and solve the centuries old problem of inefficient enterprise architecture, which hinders the development of relevant business frameworks. The beginning of the 1980s was marked with the rapid advancement of information technologies and systems. However, it was not before the end of the 1980s-the beginning of the 1990s that enterprise engineering ideas became popular and relevant. Throughout of the 1980s, most enterprise modeling ideas were limited to simplified application development, with no attention given to the concept of architecture and its implications for information systems evolution (Zachman, 1993). The lack of attention to enterprise architecture and reengineering precipitated the development of the Zachman framework. In today’s information systems practice, the Zachman framework is believed to be the most comprehensive and practical of all enterprise architecture systems known to the public (Urbaczewski & Mrdalj, 2006). The Zachman framework represents a logical structure that helps to clarify, classify, and organize the main descriptive representations of enterprise architecture (Zachman, 1993). ... The Zachman framework represents a logical structure that helps to clarify, classify, and organize the main descriptive representations of enterprise architecture (Zachman, 1993). The Zachman framework â€Å"comprises descriptive representations that are essential to successful management of enterprises and future development of information systems†(Zachman, 1993). The framework is built on previous models of architecture and engineering, used to organize processes and decisions in complex manufacturing processes (Zachman, 1993). The main goal of the framework is to simplify and facilitate the development of complex enterprise architecture solutions (Zachman, 1993). The Zachman framework is a bi-dimensional scheme of classifying all descriptive representations of any enterprise (Frankel et al, 2003). The framework comprises one vertical and one horizontal dimension; the former describes all perspectives of those who use the descriptions and models in the cells, whereas the la tter helps to answer â€Å"the basic questions of enterprise architecture – what, how, where, who, when, and why†(Frankel et al, 2003). Models represented in the Zachman framework include (from the top to the bottom) â€Å"scope, business model, system model, technology model, detailed representations, and the functioning enterprise†(Frankel et al, 2003). The scope sets the boundaries of enterprise architecture and creates a general picture of enterprise architecture to be considered by managers (Frankel et al, 2003). The business model incorporates all types of architectures and frameworks used by corporate owners (Frankel et al, 2003). The system model is devoted to architectures and systems used by architects and engineers,
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