Saturday, May 23, 2020
Causes Of Mass Incarceration - 1755 Words
The Road to Mass Incarceration†¦ IT has been said that ‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions’. This maxim known in some form around the world has stood for a relatively simple meaning, that, regardless of the ‘intent’ behind an action, it is the result of that action that matters. Now, this can be applied directly to the problem that has plagued the United States of America since the mid-1970s, that of mass incarceration. Mass incarceration is the ‘high rate of incarceration in the United States†¦ that is markedly above the historical and comparative norm for societies this type’(Western 28). This produces a ‘systematic imprisonment of whole groups of the population’(Western 29), specifically the black and brown communities found†¦show more content†¦The late U.S. Supreme Court Justice and Civil Rights Activist, Thurgood Marshall, once said that the ‘intent is evident in the results’ to mean ‘when we intend to do good, we do, [and] when we intend to do harm, it happens†¦ our intent always comes through’. Former President Bill Clinton said that he didn’t intend to cause an increase in prison expansion, yet, under his administration ‘the incarcerated population rose from 1.3 million to more than 2 million’ (Kilgore 66). In 8 years, the Clinton administration managed to increase ‘federal, state, and local corrections expenditures†¦[to] $57 billion a year’ (Kilgore 32). His administration also implemented the Omnibus Crime Bill and the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 which ‘cut the rights and opportunities for people with felony convictions’ (Kilgore 32) and ended the welfare assistance that once existed. None of these actions actually brought about the safety of U.S. citizens, because at the time of Bill Clinton’s presidency, crime rates were decreasing. Yet, despite this downward trend in priso n population rates the Clinton administration ‘enacted notoriously harsh narcotics penalties in the †¦ three-strikes legislation in the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, and more capital crimes with fewer appeals in the Federal Death Penalty Act of 1994 and theShow MoreRelatedRacial Disparities Of Mass Incarceration1572 Words  | 7 PagesRacial disparities in mass incarceration Introduction Mass Incarceration in the United States has been a large topic of choice because rapid growth in the prison and jail populations, the long sentences the inmates face, and the inability for some inmates to incorporate themselves back into society. Since the 1970’s the U.S. prison population quadrupled from 158 to 635 people per 100,000, causing the U.S. to gain the title of country with the highest incarceration rate. (Massoglia, Firebaugh, Read MoreCriminals Must Be Punished For Breaking The Laws Of The Land1489 Words  | 6 Pagesthe system of incarceration. Jails have functioned in our society to protect citizens, or those who obey the constitution. For years, our jails were able to separate criminals from obedient citizens as well as punish criminals for their wrong doings. In the past, people have questioned whether this system was effective or not. Now, we have shifted our focus onto how much longer our jails will exist due to our lack of resources. The longer we wait to find a solution to mass incarceration the harder theRead MoreThe New Jim Crow Law1014 Words  | 5 PagesMass incarceration is known as a net of laws, policies, and rules that equates to the American criminal justice system. This series of principles of our legal system works as an entrance to a lifelong position of lower status, with no hope of advancement. Mass incarceration follows those who are released from prison through exclusion and legalized discrimination, hidden within America. The New Jim Crow is a modernized version of the original Jim Crow Laws. It is a modern racial caste system designedRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration1667 Words  | 7 Pagesexceptional blacks there are no excuses for all blacks to succeed. Although, Michelle Alexander’s book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness, challenges American’s colorblindness by bringing to light the mass incarceration of African Americans. Jim Crow laws are no longer legal, but there is a new way to segregate: mass incarceration. The mass incarceration of blacks has created a racial underclass; a population with second-class status based on their criminal records (AlexanderRead MoreThe Political And Economic Factors Of The War On Drugs872 Words  | 4 Pagesuncovers the system of mass incarceration: a system comprised of laws, rules, policies, and customs that control criminals both in and out of prison. The greatest instigator of mass incarceration is the War on Drugs. Rather than combat drug activity, the War on Drugs has served as a deliberate strategy to control people of color and remove them from the political process, which is racist in both application and design. Alexander suggests that the War on Drugs and mass incarceration constitute a rebirthRead MoreThe Effects Of High Incarceration On The United States879 Words  | 4 PagesThe vast societal effects from mass incarceration have caused an increasingly alienated po pulation to form in the U.S., which can be broadly classified in the dual areas of lasting effects and impacts to the family unit. First, the lasting effects of high incarceration rates are that they impact the rights of the convict, particularly African Americans. For example, noted civil rights attorney Michelle Alexander posits that the long term effects of mass incarceration operate to deny black AmericansRead MoreMass Incarceration And Its Effects On Families, Communities, And Society1400 Words  | 6 Pagesa problem and many refuse to believe or even acknowledge that there is one. However, the United States has paved the way to create a cycle of endless incarceration for many people but especially for those of color. Such as the 1994 Violent Crime Control Act and the lack of substance abuse treatment in prisons. Overwhelmingly, mass incarceration has had a great impact on families, communities and society as a whole. As illuminated through the parable by inmate Joe M artinez, this continued cyclingRead MoreThe New Jim Crow And The Article On The Myth Os Mass Incarceration853 Words  | 4 PagesCrow and the article on the myth os mass incarceration, I was surprised to see how different they really were. The book is suggesting that mass incarceration is in fact the new Jim Crow, while the very title of the article infers that mass incarceration is a â€Å"myth†and is something that is not actually happening. That being said, I believe there are many ways in which Michelle Alexander would respond to this article in order to defend the topic of mass incarceration, and the fact that it is African-AmericansRead MoreThe Basis for Cridme Deterren ce in the United States964 Words  | 4 Pagesreaching consequences for criminal offenders and completely ignores the true goal of incarceration, to rehabilitate the offender for reintroduction into society. Mass incarceration as a means of criminal rehabilitation in the United States is extremely flawed. There are many far-reaching consequences of this practice that not only affects the incarcerated but larger society on a whole. The phrase mass incarceration, according to Oxford Encyclopedia, refers to â€Å"comparatively and historically extremeRead MorePrison Overcrowding And The United States1555 Words  | 7 Pagesshould not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones.†The prisons in the United States have been overcrowded for many years and require a change in order to fix this. Some of the main causes for prison overcrowding that will be covered in this paper are mass incarceration, long sentencing, recidivism, and prisoners of drug crimes. Overcrowding of prisons in the United States is a major issue that affects not only the prisoners themselves, but taxpayers and politicians. Although
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
What Is a Cartilaginous Fish
Cartilaginous fish are fish that have a skeleton made of cartilage, rather than bone. All sharks, skates, and rays (e.g., the southern stingray) are cartilaginous fish. These fish all fall into the group of fish called the elasmobranchs. Characteristics of Cartilaginous Fish In addition to the difference in their skeletons, cartilaginous fish have gills that open to the ocean through slits, rather than the bony covering that is present in bony fish. Different shark species may have different numbers of gill slits. Cartilaginous fish may also breathe through spiracles, rather than gills. Spiracles are found on top of the heads of all rays and skates, and some sharks. These openings allow the fish to rest on the ocean bottom and draw oxygenated water in through the top of their head, allowing them to breathe without breathing in sand. A cartilaginous fishs skin is covered in placoid scales, or dermal denticles, tooth-like scales different from the flat scales (called ganoid, ctenoid or cycloid) found on bony fish. Classification of Cartilaginous Fish Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: Elasmobranchii Evolution of Cartilaginous Fish Where did cartilaginous fish come from, and when? According to fossil evidence (primarily based on shark teeth, which get preserved much more readily than any other part of a shark), the earliest sharks evolved about 400 million years ago. Modern sharks arrived starting around 35 million years ago, and megalodon, white sharks, and hammerheads came about 23 million years ago. Rays and skates have been around longer than us, but their fossil record dates back to about 150 million years ago, so they evolved well after the first sharks. Where Do Cartilaginous Fish Live? Cartilaginous fish live all around the world, in all kinds of water - from rays that inhabit shallow, sandy bottoms to sharks that live out in the deep, open ocean. What Do Cartilaginous Fish Eat? A cartilaginous fishs diet varies by species. Sharks are important apex predators and may eat fish and marine mammals such as seals and whales. Rays and skates, who primarily live on the ocean bottom, will eat other bottom-dwelling creatures, including marine invertebrates such as crabs, clams, oysters, and shrimp. Some huge cartilaginous fish, such as whale sharks, basking sharks, and manta rays, feed on tiny plankton. How Do Cartilaginous Fish Reproduce? All cartilaginous fish reproduce using internal fertilization. The male uses claspers to grasp the female, and then he releases sperm to fertilize the females oocytes. After that, reproduction can differ among sharks, skates, and rays. Sharks may lay eggs or give birth to live young, rays give birth to live young, and skates lay eggs that are deposited inside an egg case. In sharks and rays, the young may be nourished by a placenta, yolk sac, unfertilized egg capsules, or even by feeding on other young. Young skates are nourished by a yolk in the egg case. When cartilaginous fish are born, they look like miniature reproductions of adults. How Long Do Cartilaginous Fish Live? Some cartilaginous fish may live for up to 50-100 years. Examples of Cartilaginous Fish: Whale SharkBasking SharkGreat White SharkThresher SharksSkatesSouthern Stingray References: Canadian Shark Research Lab. 2007. Skates and Rays of Atlantic Canada: Reproduction. Canadian Shark Research Lab. Accessed September 12, 2011.Icthyology Department at FL Museum of Natural History. Shark Basics. Accessed September 27, 2011.Icthyology Department at FL Museum of Natural History. Shark Biology Accessed September 27, 2011.Icthyology Department at FL Museum of Natural History. Ray and Skate Biology Accessed September 27, 2011.Martin, R.A. Evolution of a Super Predator. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Accessed September 27, 2011.Murphy, D. 2005. More About Condricthyes: Sharks and Their Kin. Devonian Times. Accessed September 27, 2011.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why My Education Is Important Free Essays
Why My Education is Important? I often dream about having a successful career in the business world, but to achieve this goal, I must have an education. Education is extremely important to me. In the business world, success depends on lots of knowledge. We will write a custom essay sample on Why My Education Is Important or any similar topic only for you Order Now In my opinion, education is the foundation of life, and it also increases my knowledge around the world. However, the most important thing about education is that education opens up the window of opportunities. The world of business is a very complicated place in which to survive. For example; the stock market can change it’s mood every single day. What I mean by that is, a stock can change its value at any moment. People who are involved in the stock market struggle between becoming poor or becoming rich. To be able always to stay on the winners side, I need lots of education. Education helps me to make good decisions in the business world and for my life. Not just in business, education will also benefit me throughout my life, personally and socially. An education should help me to have less financial problems. It will enable me to become independent. My educational experiences have provided me with many opportunities to solve problems in every day life. The education which I have received in history classes,for instance, has provided me with cultural information from every country. I believe education will help to build a circle of people who will be important to me in my career in the future. In summary, why education is important to me? Education helps me to understand the business world. It prepares me for a better future and numerous other things of which at this time I am unaware. The most important reason education is so important to me is that education opens windows for me and it gives me opportunities for a better quality of life. My parents and many of my teachers (Mrs. Kirker, Coach Bowman and many more) care about my education. They explain why education is important to me almost every time they have a chance. As a responsible teenage adult, I need to focus on my education and elevate my educational level, so that my chances of having a difficult future will be less! How to cite Why My Education Is Important, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Management and Supply Function free essay sample
It should be emphasised from the outset that purchasing and supply management is executed as an integrated part of the firms broader management (as part of the logistics management or supply chain management approach) *Purchasing and supply PLANNING is part of the firms general planning, mainly because the continuous supply of raw materials components services is of a strategic importance to the enterprise. The supply market is just as important for the firms survival continued profitability as the sales market is the firms own product. Firms general planning must be integrated. *The ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE of the purchasing and supply function should be aimed mainly @ linking into the firms overall structure in the most effective way. The purchasing and supply function primarily renders a service to the enterprise. *Purchasing and supply COORDINATION should be aimed @ harmonising and aligning the activities of the purchasing and supply function with those of the other business functions. We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Supply Function or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When a firm vests the authority for the purchasing and supply function in 1 person or team. Advantages: gt;Standardisation of materials and products is possible because purchases are made at one point gt;Purchasing and supply staff are afforded the opportunity to become experts gt;Control over all aspects of the purchasing and supply function is improved gt;Administrative costs are reduced by eliminating duplication DECENTRALISED PURCHASING SUPPLY ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Purchasing by different departments, branches or plants, while each of them enjoys an important measure of autonomy of decision making regarding the purchasing and supply function. Advantages: gt;Better liaision can be effected between decentralised purchasing and supply functions and the user functions of individual plants served by the purchasing and supply function gt;The needs users can be better satisfied because the purchasing and supply function knows them better gt;Different plants maintain their autonomy. Plant managers are often fully responsible for the profitability of individual plants. According to the combined approach, common requirements of the different plants such as equipment and certain categories of raw materials, are purchased centrally head of office. The plants purchasing and supply functions are assisted by corporate purchasing and supply in developing policies, procedures, and control measures, recruiting and training staff, auditing the purchasing and supply performance of the plants. The main coordinating mechanisms of purchasing and supply management with other functions in the organisation, and with suppliers and customers, are definitely computer systems such as electronic data interchange(EDI), materials planning (MRPII) and distribution requirements planning (DRP). TWO TYPES OF COORDINATION Between purchasing and supply and other functional areas Purchasing coordination is lateral acts in an advisory/support method to the other functions in the enterprise. Between p and s and the supplier system Two dimensions to the coordination between p and s function and the supplier system. Firstly there is coordination with the whole supplier system and secondly with the individual suppliers. The flow of products and services from the supplier has to be effective, the p and s function has to ensure that coordination between them and the supplier ensures this occurs. This can be achieved by means of supplier alliances, integrated systems and inter-organisational teams. The supplier must become an extension of the buying enterprise. The chief coordinating mechanisms available to p and s management are open communication, strategic alliances, integrated systems, the conscious motivation of suppliers and standardisation of specifications, purchasing documents and purchasing procedures. CONTROL : PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE PURCHASING AND SUPPLYFUNCTION Control may be defined as a systematic attempt to reach objectives or set standards that accord with the enterprises goal, to observe actual perform- ance and compare it with the set standards, and to take corrective steps with a view to achieving the mission and goals of the enterprise. Objectives and basic principles of performance evaluation P and activities are complex, needs to have a control system. Feedback on actual performance(measured against quantitative norms). This ensures that the p and s strategy is implemented at the various levels in the company. With this the p and s manager can monitor and improve the functions actual performance. Control ensures that all the other functions with p and s work optimally.
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