Monday, August 12, 2019
CRITCALY CONSIDER WHETHER THO OCCURENCE OF SEXUAL CRIME IS BETTER EXPLAINNED BY SOCIOLOGIVAL OR PSYCHOLOGICal oriented criminolo - Essay Example As per Edwin Sutherland, kids were learning from elders about the criminal attitudes. As per Walter Reckless, crime happens when kids develop an insufficient self-image rendering them incapable of managing their own misbehaviour. As per Karl Marx, social interaction is the main instrument which sowed the seeds for new vistas in criminology. (Siegel 2008:10). Emile Durkheim regarded crime as a necessary and a normal social event. Quetelet from France revealed that crime rates were highest in the summer in France in heterogeneous, especially in southern regions and mostly influenced by drinking habits. Quetelet recognised many of the relationships between social phenomenons and hence, crime still acts as a footing for criminology even today. Lombrosian findings of crime depend upon biological determinism is the direct opposite to Quetelet revelations that crime had a social basis which is a direct confront of the former. (Siegel 2008:11). Structural Strain: Employing a sociological per spective, the structural concepts indicate that social and economic forces of strain shape collective human behaviour. (Siegel 2008: 175).Merton is of the view that anomie has been one of the most significant and long-term sociological theories of criminality. (Siegel 2008:176). Sexual crime is not a psychiatric crime but of legal nature. One becomes a sexual offender by satisfying tests of legal definitions and principles and not by satisfying some diagnostic criteria like sexual sadism and paedophilia. Sexual crime includes sexual demeanour. Sexual crime includes sexual behaviour like attempted or actual anal or vaginal penetration and whether the victim has been forcibly compelled or had with consent and the magnitude of the force employed by the perpetrator. (Flowers 2006:15). Masters and Johnson (1974) are of the view that human sexual demeanour is both instinctive and learned and effected by a variety of psychological, biological and socio-cultural manipulations. There is avai lability of plenty of evidence that majority of human sexual movements would become more graspable to majority individuals, if they could understand the setting of each other background and behaviour. (Kinsey, Promeroy and Martin 1948:678). The criminological outlook spotlights on sexual crimes, the consequences and it’s causes. The psychological standpoint spotlights on the manner in which sexual arousal and sexuality are influenced by personality dynamics, attitudes, motivations, emotions, interpersonal demeanour and beliefs. The sociological outlook sees sexuality as a genetic adaptation to the background with conception that sex differences in females and males are adaptive and functional in a biological sense. Sexual deviance is kind of sexual behaviour which is deviant from criminological and sociological perspectives will change across place and time and will be socially constructed. Kraft –Ebing (1906) explained sexual disorders, which include masochism, sadism , fetishism, transvestism, transsexualism, sexual bondage, nymphomania and lust murder. Sex crimes are distinguished from sexual deviance and sexual disorders as they are behavioural functions that infringe the law. From a legal outlook, sexual offenses are acts considered to be both a hazard to public and individual safety and sexually deviant. . Sexual
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